広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
55 号
2007-03-28 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
Applied Researches as Social Service of Hiroshima University
小池 源吾 佐々木 保孝 天野 かおり
PP. 1 - 10
A Consideration on the Description of the History of Own Country in U.S. School History Textbooks
中野 和光
PP. 11 - 17
A Consideration on the theme-centered lesson plan : Centering upon W. H. Peterßen's WPM model
中野 和光 深澤 広明 髙木 啓 吉田 茂孝 吉田 成章 渡邉 眞依子
PP. 19 - 26
Free Trade in Higher Education Services and its impacts in Japan
二宮 皓 下村 智子
PP. 27 - 36
A Comparative Study of Teaching Comparative Education
二宮 皓 佐藤 仁 金井 裕美子
PP. 37 - 44
A Consideration on the theme-centered lesson plan : Centering upon W.H.Peterßen's WPM model
深澤 広明 中野 和光 髙木 啓 吉田 茂孝 吉田 成章 渡邉 眞依子
PP. 45 - 51
A Study on Robert D. Boyd's Theory of Transformative Learning : Focusing on the Meaning of Grief Work in the Process of Transformation
藤村 好美
PP. 53 - 60
The Roles Played by HuShi in the Establishment Process of the Renxu Educational System
今井 航
PP. 61 - 66
A Study on the Outcomes and Assessments of Teacher Preparation Programs : Analysis of Cases in the United States
PP. 67 - 75
The trend in construction of Educational Accountability System in U.S.A. : Focusing on No Child Left Behind Act
酒井 研作
PP. 77 - 82
Process of transforming educational research into a business : Study of the Educational Society of Japan (Dainihon-Kyouikukai) in 1888
白石 崇人
PP. 83 - 92
Educational Effect of Class Size and Teaching Methods on Teaching and Learning : Differences among Subjects of Junior High School Teachers
藤井 宣彰 水野 考 山崎 博敏
PP. 93 - 98
Educational Effect of School Size and Class Size on Students School Life
藤井 宣彰
PP. 99 - 104
The Quality of Ethics Required for Primary and Secondary Teachers in Thailand : A Comparative Analysis of the Code of Ethics for Teachers and Other Professions
PP. 105 - 113
The Characteristics of Ernst Meyer's Group Instruction in Relation to Frontal Instruction
吉田 茂孝
PP. 115 - 124
The Features and Tasks of the Cooperation between Industry and University in China : Focus on the University-managed Enterprises
郭 仁天
PP. 125 - 131
A Study on 'Reflective Practitioner' in education for headteachers : Focusing on M.Eraut's criticism of D.Schön
金川 舞貴子
PP. 133 - 142
M. McLuhan's Media Approaches and Its Possibility : Media Effects in Communication
時津 啓
PP. 143 - 151
Class Size Reduction Experiment and the Effect on Teaching and School Life in Chinese Primary and Junior High Schools
蒋 莉 李 東林 山崎 博敏
PP. 153 - 160
Die Tendenz der Studien über die Bedeutung der DDR-Pädagogik nach der deutsch-deutschen Vereinigung
PP. 177 - 184
PP. 185 - 192
The Kindergarten Teacher Training System in the Period of Republic of China : Focusing on the "Normal School Regulation" in 1935
何 京玉
PP. 193 - 198
A Study of the practice based on Vygotsky's theory of teaching and learning : Centering on Hedegaard and Chailklin's teaching program.
平田 知美
PP. 199 - 207
A survey on ethics education at certified graduate schools of clinical psychology in Japan
兒玉 憲一 森谷 寛之 倉戸 ヨシヤ 佐藤 忠司 吉川 眞理
PP. 209 - 217
The psychological characteristics of obese children as shown in Baumtest
PP. 219 - 226
Development of preschoolers' right and wrong judgments about aggression
越中 康治
PP. 227 - 235
The effect of possibility of recovery of harm on preschoolers' right and wrong judgments about punitive aggression
越中 康治 目久田 純一 淡野 将太 前田 健一
PP. 237 - 243
The relationship among school maladjustment of survivors with child cancer, the maternal perception of child vulnerability, and parenting behaviors.
PP. 245 - 252
Brain hemodynamics reaction in facial expression recognition of infants
斉藤 由里
PP. 253 - 258
The effects of time pressure and attentional focus on P300 and lateralized readiness potential
白石 舞衣子 宮谷 真人
PP. 259 - 265
Influence of AIDS education on HIV coping intentions : Analysis based on revised protection motivation theory and collective protection motivation model
高本 雪子
PP. 267 - 276
A comparative study among three age groups regarding the power of explanation of models for environment-conscious behavioral intentions
于 麗玲
PP. 277 - 286
How does the usage frequency of Chinese characters influence cognitive task performance : Comparison between printed and subjective ratings of usage frequencies
國田 祥子
PP. 287 - 296
Temporal relation between semantic processing and syntax processing of Japanese sentence
梨和 ひとみ 宮谷 真人
PP. 307 - 313
Occupational preference and evaluation of future self in high school and junior high school students
新見 直子 江村 理奈 滝下 雅子 松田 由希子 前田 健一
PP. 315 - 320
The effects of the facial texture, stimulus orientation and light direction on the hollow-face illusion
吉田 弘司
PP. 321 - 329
A review of studies on children's goals and strategies in response to conflicts
郭 穎
PP. 331 - 337
Self-acceptance of contemporary adolescence : from the aspect of sense of self-acceptance based on self and on others
山田 みき 岡本 祐子
PP. 339 - 348
Short term longitudinal research on a relationships between motivation, learning style and school achievement on the junior high school student : First-grade junior high school student
山崎 晃
PP. 349 - 355
Relationship of the use of fingers in doing calculations with the self-concept in arithmetic/mathematics : A reexamination on junior and vocational college students
PP. 357 - 365
A research of specialties of early childhood educator for children with special needs based on the results to students of early childhood educator's training school
松井 剛太
PP. 367 - 371
A model of parental reflection in child rearing
朴 信永 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 373 - 381
The significance of the cultural diversity in the United States for minority children in childcare
管田 貴子
PP. 383 - 389
Research on stress in child care of caregivers : Examination from relation between years of experience and social support
上村 眞生 七木田 敦
PP. 391 - 395