広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 55 号
2007-03-28 発行

学習への動機づけと学習方法と学業成績との関係 : 中学校1年生の場合

Short term longitudinal research on a relationships between motivation, learning style and school achievement on the junior high school student : First-grade junior high school student
山崎 晃
382 KB
The purpose of this research is to clarify the relation between the motivation typing to study and the school performance in one-accademic year of the junior high school first grade student. Participants were 160 student the grader in the junior high school. The experimental design was sex (2), types of motivation(6), and school subject (5). The main research findings are as follows: (1) The motivation type effect was seen in spring term final examination, winter term proficiency examination, and winter term final examination. (2) Since there was a sex and motivation type interaction, it turned out that the effects exerted on motivation type results by gender difference. (3)The result of a proficiency test showed that it was higher than a student's results in which the results of a practical use intention type and training intention type student have other intention types. These results were considered from the point of view the relation of a motivation types and gender differences.
junior high motivation
school achievemnet