The purpose of this pilot study is to examine the psychological meanings of obesity in obese children by the Baumtest. "Baum"s, or pictures of trees drawn in the Baumtest, by obese children are classified in terms of "apical termination", how the leading end of the trunk is arranged, and two dominant types are found; i) the closed trunk with the radiating branches; ii) the opened trunk with a globular-shaped/cloudlike crown. In both types, obesity means the difficulty in capturing the psychic energy as one's own. In other hand, the quality of the difficulty is different in each type; i) the psychic energy is difficult to capture or to differentiate, because it's made conscious as undifferentiated impulse - it's, as it were, too strong; ii) the psychic energy is difficult to capture, because of its fadedness. It is suggested that this is related to the difficulty in differentiating the self and the other.