広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 55 号
2007-03-28 発行

一斉授業との関連から見たマイヤー(Ernst Meyer)のグループ授業の特質

The Characteristics of Ernst Meyer's Group Instruction in Relation to Frontal Instruction
吉田 茂孝
791 KB
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of Ernst Meyer's group instruction in relation to frontal instruction. In this paper, the following three points are analyzed. (1) In the historical development of German didactics, how Ernst Meyer's group instruction is positioned is clarified. (2) Ernst Meyer's frontal instruction and the form of his instruction are clarified, and the position of Ernst Meyer's group instruction in the theory of the instructional form is analyzed. (3) Herbert Gudjons revalues both group instruction and frontal instruction today. The Gudjons theory is clarified, and Ernst Meyer's group instruction is compared with the Gudjons theory.
マイヤー(Ernst Meyer)
Ernst Meyer
group instruction
frontal instruction