広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 55
published_at 2007-03-28

中華民国期における幼稚園教員養成制度 : 1935年修正「師範学校規程」の検討を中心に

The Kindergarten Teacher Training System in the Period of Republic of China : Focusing on the "Normal School Regulation" in 1935
He Jingyu
447 KB
The kindergarten teacher training system in the period of Republic of China had a great historical meaning in the history of Chinese kindergarten teacher training system. The detailed regulations were defined of kindergarten teacher training by "Normal School Regulation" that was proclaimed in 1933 and corrected in 1935. Before that regulation the standards about kindergarten teacher training of educational target, contents, and methods were not clearly set up. In order to make clear about the history of kindergarten teacher training system in China, the clarification of character and meaning of kindergarten teacher training system in the period of Republic of China turned to be very important. This paper aims at clarifying the characters and meaning of kindergarten teacher training system in the period of Republic of China For that purpose the following points can be pointed out. First, with proclaim of "Normal School Law", the kindergarten teacher training system was established in China. These regulations showed the legal foundation that kindergarten education should be based on, and it also showed the standards of kindergarten teacher training for the first time. From this point we could say that it had an important meaning in the history of kindergarten teacher training system of China. Second, according to "Normal School Law", the "Normal School Regulation" was regulated in 1933, and was revised in 1935 by the Minister of Education. In this regulation, the graduation term, requirements for admission, and curricula of kindergarten teacher training were improved. It proved that significance of the kindergarten teacher training had been recognized by the nation. It's an epoch-making occurrence in the history of education in China.
early childhood education
teacher education