広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
66 号
2017-12-22 発行
ISSN : 1346-5562
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
The Evaluation of Korean College Entrance Examinations: The Possibility of Student Record Admission
小川 佳万 姜 姫銀
PP. 11 - 19
Reexamining Apartment Buildings and Adult Education: Arguments for the Solidarity of Urban Residents in the High-growth Period of Japan
PP. 21 - 30
Whole School Approach to Health Education in EU Countries and Canada
吉田 成章 赤星 まゆみ 山本 ベバリーアン 高橋 洋行
PP. 31 - 40
The Implementation of the“ Principle of Education” in Teacher Education Programs in Post-War period: Focusing on the Concept and Curriculum designed by Tsuneo Hosoya, the First Director of the Department of Education of Tohoku University
PP. 41 - 49
Articulation of Special Activities and a Teacher’s Narrative: The Life History of an Elementary School Teacher
伊勢本 大
PP. 51 - 58
Teachers’ Consciousness and Behavior on Educational Responsibility in the Latter Half of 1940s in Japan: From the Viewpoint of the Continuity and Discontinuity between Prewar and Postwar Periods
小川 英夫
PP. 59 - 67
The Knowledge and View of Nature of the Indigenous Ainu on Sustainability: Focusing on the Ainu oral literature
PP. 69 - 77
A Study on the Teaching of Discipline and the Formation of Self-discipline in Lessons: Korn’s Historical Study of the Problem of Discipline
早川 知宏
PP. 79 - 87
The Possibilities and the Meanings of Paying Attention to Children’s Cognition in Educational Practices: Focusing on relations between the cognitive assessment and the educational conception
松尾 奈美
PP. 89 - 97
PP. 99 - 106
Rezeption der Bildungstheorie und Bildungsreform Wilhelm von Humboldts nach PISA
宮本 勇一
PP. 107 - 116
Deciphering Japanese “Education through the Environment” in Early Childhood Education and Care via a Comparison with the Reggio Emilia Approach
淀澤 真帆 中坪 史典
PP. 117 - 124
Processing Sino‒Japanese-derived Words: Focusing on the Time Course of Decomposition
アイニン ソフィアワティ
PP. 125 - 132
A Review and Some Consideration of the Studies on Identity of Artists with Visual Impairments
奥田 博子 岡本 祐子
PP. 133 - 142
The Relationship between Self-complexity and Depression: The Mediating Role of a Sense of Identity
木谷 智子
PP. 143 - 149
Two Dimensions of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale: Relationships among “Approving Positive Self-image”, Narcissism and Subjective Well-being
福留 広大
PP. 151 - 157
The Ability to Comprehend Speech and Iconic Gestures in Young Children: Obstructive Factors to Semantic Integration
三宅 英典
PP. 159 - 167
An Empirical Study on Student Learning Outcomes: A Case Study of a Rural Private University
真鍋 亮
PP. 179 - 188
Education in the Heiyo-gijuku
鈴木 理恵
PP. 198 - 189