広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 66
published_at 2017-12-22

大学生の入学時における能力と学修成果の関連に関する実証的研究 : 地方私立大学を事例として

An Empirical Study on Student Learning Outcomes: A Case Study of a Rural Private University
Manabe Ryo
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This study clarifies the relation among various entrance examinations (entrance exams to test scholastic ability, admissions office (AO) exams, entrance exams via recommendation), generic skills (communication skills / numerical skills), and attitudes (self-control ability / teamwork and leadership ability) in the freshman year. We also examine the determinants of learning outcomes (communication skills / numerical skills) and the “elongation of learning outcomes” of undergraduate students in their senior year using entrance examination type, generic skills, and attitude as independent variables. We use data from a rural private university and correlation and multi regression analysis. Although we focus on a single case study, it has a large sample size (1,245 samples). The findings are as follows: (1) compared with exams that test scholastic ability, AO and entrance exams by recommendation have little influence on generic skills (communication skills / numerical skills) but improve attitudes during the freshman year; (2) the examination type affects learning outcomes (communication skills / numerical skills) in the senior year and the elongation of learning outcomes; (3) generic skills in the freshmen year affect learning outcomes and the elongation of learning outcomes; and (4) attitude (self-control ability / teamwork and leadership ability) does not affect learning outcomes.Thus, examination type and generic skills in the freshman year are very important for students’ learning outcomes (generic skills) and the elongation of learning outcomes, but are not affected by attitudes. Universities need to pay attention to the fact that (1) generic skills and attitudes are not closely connected, and therefore they should be developed separately and (2) examination type has a strong impact on learning outcomes and the elongation of learning outcomes.
learning outcomes
ability in the freshman year
examination type
generic skills