広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 63
published_at 2014-12-19

「ながら行為」としての保育者の専門性に関する研究 : 登園時から設定保育に至るまで

The Professionalism of an ECEC Teacher’s “Concurrent Action” : From the Arrival Time to the Beginning of a Supervised Activity
Hokii Takafumi
Chidani Shion
1.13 MB
The purpose of this study is to explore an ECEC teacher’s professionalism exerted according to the situation from the children’s arrival time to the beginning of a supervised activity at a kindergarten. We qualitatively analyzed the video footage captured of the process of the teacher’s action by using the trajectory equifinality model (TEM).  

The results showed that the teacher supported the children’s life behaviors and playing by using the “concurrent action” which dealt with handling multiple tasks at the same time or approach an aim while simultaneously considering another aim.  

Three variations of the “concurrent action” were identified―“concurrent action as getting thorough,” “concurrent action as shift of focus,” and “concurrent action as a combined use.” Through these actions, the teacher realized the following: (1) securing the number of tasks she carried performed, (2) adjusting her number of tasks, (3) supporting the children’s transition to the supervised activity, and (4) supporting the children by using a worthwhile approach.
“concurrent action”
ECEC teachers
from the arrival time to the beginning of a supervised activity