The purpose of this study was to report a nationalwide survey into clinical psychologists (CPs) in medical fields with highly advanced technology . In orde to clarify the CPs' activities and attitudes, a questionnaire was elaborated and distributed to random sampled 828 CPs. Of succesfuly returned 449,133(29.8%) CPs had experienced psychosocial cares in 6 fields of care for cancer patients (44.2%), HIV/AIDS counseling (16.4%), counseling for infertile couples(11.9%), neonatal care of NICU(10.2%), genetic counseling(8.8%), and organ plantation care(8.4%). Excepting HIV/AIDS counseling, most CPs were young and and inexperienced as helping professionals. Supporting systems and successive training programs for them were undeveloped. In order to improve their working conditions, activating their professional networking in these fields were required.