広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 53 号
2005-03-28 発行

中国における民工子女の公立校への受け入れ措置に関する研究 : 北京市政府による取り組みを事例として

Research on a strategy of acceptance of Mingong children's enrollment in public schools in China : A case of the strategy of Beijing city government
植村 広美
676 KB
In recent years, poor migrant workers away from rural areas have been growing in number in urban areas of China. However, a migration away from registered permanent residence is severely restricted by the "household registration law". Those migrated from rural areas and illegally dwell in urban area have serious problem including education opportunities of their children. Due to the regulation that children should be enrolled in a public school in the location of permanent registration migrant's children have to face a variety of obstacles when they seek for enrollment in public schools in urban areas. Under such circumstances, various means have been practiced in order to secure migrant children's education opportunities. This paper traces a series of regional government's undertakings with Beijing city as a case, to provide educational opportunities for migrant children.
household registration law
Mingong children
educational opportunities