広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 53
published_at 2005-03-28

カリキュラム・リーダーシップと教師の力量形成 : イングリッシュFenwick W. Englishのカリキュラム経営論を中心にして

Curriculum Leadership and Teacher Development : Centering upon Fenwick W. English's Treatises on Curriculum Management
Nakano Kazumitsu
603 KB
This paper examined the nature of curriculum leadership based on Fenwick W. English's treatises on curriculum management. English studies educational administration as an interpretive human science and not as a positive science. Interpretation and understanding of human affair is important in human science. And criticism is made much of, too. From this standpoint, he approaches to curriculum management emphasizing the importance of quality management and deep alignment. We need understanding of children and criticism of society in curriculum research. But, curriculum must be planed based on understanding of children and criticism of society. In this meaning, curriculum leadership is 'an educational tact' in the responsibility for the future of children and society. Teacher is a partner in curriculum management. He is required of this 'educational tact', too.
Curriculum Leadership
Curriculum Management
Educational Tact
Teacher Development