広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 56 号
2007-12-28 発行

中国における幼児園教員研修制度の特質と課題 : 幼児園園長研修に関する政策の検討を中心に

The Characteristics and Subjects of the On-the-Job Training System for Kindergarten Teachers in China : An analysis on the policies of kindergarten headmaster training
何 京玉
829 KB
This paper attempts to clarify the characteristics and subject matters of kindergarten headmaster training system in modern China. In this paper, in order to clarify the legislations on kindergarten headmaster training, the author tried to look at the relevant policies on kindergarten headmaster training at central government level after the promulgation of "People's Republic of China Teacher Method" in 1993. Further, it focused primarily on the materials in "a notice about national kindergarten headmaster's qualification, duty and job capability" and the contents of "the opinion about kindergarten headmaster's job training". As a result, we discovered the following points on the characteristics of kindergarten teacher training system. First is kindergarten teacher training system being connected with conditions on appointment or the requirements for qualification and second is that the contents of training had been set by the Ministry of Education. For the subject matter of kindergarten teacher training system, the maintenance of a teacher training system where headmasters themselves can adopt training seems to be important.
training system
kindergarten teachers