広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 56 号
2007-12-28 発行

大学生の環境配慮行動意図の規定因 : 環境配慮的行動と規定因との要因連関モデルの検討

Factors Influencing Environment Conscious Behavioral Intentions of University Students : A Study on the Model Regarding Environment-conscious Behaviors and Those Determinants
塚脇 涼太
戸塚 唯氏
高本 雪子
小島 奈々恵
樋口 匡貴
644 KB
Powers of explanations for environment-conscious behavioral intentions of the model regarding environment-conscious behaviors and those determinants suggested by Hirose (1994), and powers of influences of the factors assumed in the model were clarified in this study. The purpose was to examine the differences of the powers of explanations and the powers of influences between the types of environment-conscious behaviors, and between Japanese people and Chinese people. Results showed that the model regarding environmentconscious behaviors and those determinants (a) had a fixed power of explanation regardless of the type of environment-conscious behavior, and (b) had a higher power of explanation in Japanese people, compared to the Chinese people.
the model regarding environment-conscious behaviors and those determinants
environmental problems
power of explanation
comparison between Japanese people and Chinese people