In the last part of Edo period, the number of the people who had a taste for Chinese poetry increased rapidly. Many poetry circles formed in various places where amateur poets actively engaged in poem-writings. This paper aims to clarif what kind of activities had been taken place within the poetry circle "koushinsha" in Ise-Yamada. Koushinsha is well known for its relationship with Katei Hojo, who was the hero in Ogai Mori's novels, Hojo Katei and The Last Year of Katei's Life. Some previous studies mentioned the activites of Koushinsha as relating to Katei Hojo, but substantive research has not been done on the learning activity of Koushinsha itself. Therefore, this paper will investigate the actual condition of the poetry circles which were the place of study for intellectuals in that period. Materials to be used, mainly, include daily and memorandum of Keiken Kawasaki thet was one of the member of Koushinsha.