広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28

教育実践における批判的リテラシーの形成 : パウロ・フレイレの再評価をめぐって

A Study of the philosophy and structure of Critical Literacy in Educational Practices : Focusing on the revaluations of Paulo Freire
Kurotani Kazushi
768 KB
The purpose of this study is to clarify the process and structure of forming critical literacy in educational practices. I focus on Paulo Freire's theory of literacy and Henry Giroux's radical reconsideration about Freire's theory of literacy. Freire regards literacy as a form of cultural politics, and tries to construct the philosophy and structure of emancipatory literacy. His view of literacy is definded as the relation between reading the words and the world. Giroux analyzes Freire's literacy theory from two aspects, " a referent for critique " and " a narrative for agency ", and argues for positioning student voice and experience in classroom positively. Finaly, I rethink Freire's Problem Posing Education, focusing on Freire's critical literacy which is redefinded by Giroux. So I propose some prerequisites of forming critical literacy in educational practices.
Paulo Freire
Critical Literacy
student experience
problem posing education
cultural politics