広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28


HAART and the changes of topics in HIV/AIDS counseling during a 11-year period
Kodama Kenichi
Kihana Nobuko
Mprolawa Sanae
519 KB
The purpose of this study is to describe and consider the historical changes of topics in counseling and psychotherapy sessions with HIV positive patients (HIV +Ps) at Hiroshima University Hospital during a 11-year period(1989-1999). All topics were classified into the following 7 categories : (1)notifications ; (2)self-help groups ; (3)quality of life ; (4)lawsuits for HIV-infection ; (5)diseases and therapies ; (6)problems of learning and working, and (7)psychological problems. The historical changes of rates of each category during the period were examined. Of 33 HIV + Ps, 19(57.6%) were hemopiliacs, and 6(18.2%) were homosexuals. The total number of topics was 1,308. The decrease of the rate of category of quality of life, and the increase of the rate of category of psychological problems were confirmed after HAART had been introduced. In the cases of sexually infected HIV + Ps, the lack of any self-help group was found. Finally, the implications of the those findings for counselings and psychotherapies with HIV + Ps in the HAART era were discussed.
HIV positve patient
HIV counseling