広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 50
published_at 2002-02-28

カリフォルニア州における教員団体交渉制度 : 教育雇用関係法、Ralph C. Dills 法、Meyers-Milias-Brown 法の分析を通じて

The System of the Teachers' Collective Bargaining in California State : An Analysis of the Educational Employment Relations Act, the Ralph C. Dills Act and the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act
Ichida Toshiyuki
713 KB
The purpose of this paper is to identify the system of the teachers' collective bargaining in California State, U. S. A. by examining three laws for collective bargaining for public employees. The three laws are the Educational Employment Relations Act which was enacted in 1975 and covers public school employers and their employees (which appears in the California Government Code, §3540-3549. 3.), the Ralph C. Dills Act which was enacted in 1977 and covers state employer and their employees (which appears in the California Government Code, §3512-3524.) and the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act which was enacted in 1968 and covers local government agencies and their employees (which appears in the California Government Code, §3500-3510.). The findings of this paper are as follows. First, the right to form, join and participate in the activities of employee organizations for teachers is guaranteed more powerfully than that for other public employees. Second, the system of the teachers' collective bargaining provides more details than that for public employees'. Totally, the power of the public educational employees' organizations is stronger than that of the public employees' organization.
teacher' collective bargaining
public employees' collective bargaining