学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 42 号
2014-03-24 発行

高等学校社会系教科における批判的思考力を育成する授業開発の研究(Ⅲ) : 公民科現代社会小単元「日銀の金融政策」の場合

A lesson plan to develop critical thinking in high school social studies (Ⅲ) : Case study of the unit on "Monetary Policy"
土肥 大次郎
3.14 MB
This study develops a lesson plan in social studies to increase students' critical thinking. First, we consider the theory of increasing critical thinking in social studies lessons and examine how to construct the lesson plan. We define critical thinking to be, in social studies, as "the ability to understand society in a critical manner." We consider it effective for students to learn about events in society with the knowledge obtained in the lesson, examine the validity of that knowledge, and develop their abilities to understand society. To illustrate this procedure in the lesson, we developed the lesson plan for "Monetary Policy."