学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 42 号
2014-03-24 発行

音楽科の特性に応じた思考を育むカリキュラムの開発(Ⅱ) : 小学校低学年を中心に

Curriculum development for fostering children's thinking skills regarding music(Ⅱ) : Focusing on music classes of the lower elementary school grades
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This study develops a new music curriculum for lower elementary school grades, to foster students' thinking ability regarding music through self-expression (physical, visual, and verbal) and to broaden the range of their experience of musical culture through the activities of listening, singing, and music making. As a result, we found that the students tended to change their interpretation of musical images through interaction with other classmates and teachers, and with exposure to the music of songwriters and composers. We realized the importance of the students' learning process in which initial self-confidence returned through empathetic contact with others. We confirmed the importance of developing a musical curriculum beyond the standard teaching-learning model (teacher to student transmission), which takes into account the significant effect of human interaction on the development of young children's imagination and creativity.