学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 42 号
2014-03-24 発行

中教審答申における安全科を見据えた健康安全教育 : 幼小中一貫教育における防災教育の在り方

Safety education in school based on the report of the Central Education Council : The state of disaster prevention education in kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high schools
井上 由子
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This study analyzed the result of a teaching method on children's consciousness of seismic hazards. As a result, only half of the children had a sense of crisis related to seismic hazards, with only 20% or less perceiving the need to prepare for such a hazard.

Children think they are always safe. To implement the contents learned in school daily, it is effective to continuously perform disaster prevention education as suitable for a small child's sense of time. The situation was deemed dangerous, and the Council decided to develop a disaster prevention educational program suitable for students' developmental stages at the levels of kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school, so that suitable action can be performed.