Research and development of computer software to create word problems to promote children's individual development (VI) : Interactive environment for learning via problem posing for multiplication based on three usages of ratio
We developed the learning environment for problem posing that can be solved by one-step addition or subtraction arithmetic word problems in the first grade of elementary school. We confirmed that the environment is effective for learning word problems by performing experimental use of the software in a standard classroom. In this study, we describe the design of tasks for problem posing in the field of multiplication in the second grade of elementary school, and the development of a learning environment for multiplication. The arithmetic word problems that can be solved by one-step multiplication or division consist of base quantity, ratio, and compared quantity. The learner must elicit these quantities from the problem and consider the relationship between these quantities while solving. Therefore, we designed the task of problem posing for learning the word problem based on "base quantity x proportion = compared quantity" called the "second usage of ratio" in second grade.