学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 42 号
2014-03-24 発行

家庭科教員養成における教材構成力の育成に関する研究 : バンダナを用いた製作と家族に関わる内容を関連づけた題材構想の分析を通して

Fostering the ability to configure teaching materials in teacher training for home economics : Analysis of material conception that associates goods-making using the bandana with the contents related to family
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This study verifies the ability of junior students in home economics education to select and devise appropriate teaching materials in configuring the class. To evaluate the ability of using the teaching materials and to relate the fields of clothing life and family, home, and child development, students had to configure the fictive class. Teaching plans configured by the students were assessed by teachers of academic subjects, curriculum, and teacher training. The results noted unskillfulness in the usage of the teaching materials, deviations of selected materials, and narrowness of perspectives. However, all 15 students could configure the teaching plans by relating the subjects of the fields of clothing life and family, home, and child development. Analysis suggested a need for reconstruction of the contents of the related sciences to improve the curriculum to expand students' capability to configure the teaching materials.