学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 42 号
2014-03-24 発行

森の幼稚園の保育環境と幼児・児童の体力・運動能力との関係 : MKS幼児運動能力検査および新体力テストの結果の比較から

The relationship between the childcare environment in the waldkindergarten and the physical movement of children
正田 るり子
玉木 美和
田中 恵子
2.85 MB
This study examines the physical movement of children with the "MKS Test of Motor Ability for Preschool Children" and the "New Governmental Test of Motor Ability". This study also compares the motor skill of ordinary children (standardized data) to that of children in the Wald kindergarten and the pupils who graduated from it. The result revealed that children in the Wald kindergarten exhibited an ordinary level of motor skill, and the pupils who graduated from the Wald kindergarten had a higher level of motor skill than pupils who did not. This outcome suggests that the effect of the childcare environment in the Wald kindergarten indicates a higher level of motor skill after the children entered elementary school, although it was not apparent while the children were in the Wald kindergarten.