学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 42 号
2014-03-24 発行

新学習指導要領の下での授業実践 : 生活課題を問い直す家庭科ジレンマ教材の開発

Lesson practices in home economics under the new Course of Study : The development of materials that stimulate questioning of life tasks
小林 歩
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The present study develops learning materials that enable students to understand life tasks within society, practice with the materials in class, and evaluate the content structure of the material by reflecting upon the materials' practical application. The study asserts that materials containing moral dilemmas based on Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development in moral education can be employed in home economics. By employing these lessons, the study hopes to create opportunities for students to weigh the consequences of several life values, and thus improve their ability to form real-life judgments. This study creates a lesson involving the immediate environment of fifth graders' eating habits, garbage disposal, and materials that raise conflicts regarding time constraints and garbage separation. Results revealed that students raised their awareness of the environment and gained vocabulary associated with the environment. The results' implications for material development are discussed with the purpose of enabling students to perceive life tasks, such as environmental awareness and consumption from multiple perspectives.