学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 Issue 42
published_at 2014-03-24

グローバル社会に対応した国家・社会の構造を認識する社会科授業開発 : 附属小学校3校の共同研究の成果として

Development of social studies lessons to make students recognize the structure of a nation and a society adapting to globalization : In three attached elementary schools
Matsuoka Yasushi
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This study describes the structurally globalizing society for the purpose of organizing lessons that make students recognize the structure of a nation and a society adapting to globalization by developing lessons focused on economic globalization, and implementing them in social studies at each attached elementary school. Regarding the society's structural globalization, this study reveals social problems affected by the process of transformation of societal structure due to globalization primarily in the economy, culture, and environment through a literature review and results of an analysis of social problems arising from globalization and their causes. On the basis of the results of lessons dealing with the effects of expanding markets, national globalization reveals the importance of increasing standardization corresponding to capitalist economies based on American neo-liberalism and the need to pursue innovation, such as corporate product development to achieve that standardization, I discuss the results' implications for developing lessons dealing with issues of culture and environment, to review the structure of a globalizing society, and to explore the effects of globalization in each field.