Issue 36
Date of Issue:2008-03-20
current number
PRINT ISSN : 1346-5104
ONLINE ISSN : 2435-9041
Publisher : 広島大学学部・附属学校共同研究機構
Seek for Studying in International Communication to Develop Universal Citizenship : 2
Murakami Naoko Minoshima Takashi Matsuo Saori Yamato Hiroko Furo Kazushi Yazawa Satoshi Oka Yoshika Sanda Koji Kato Hideo Tanigawa Yoshikazu Kobayakawa Yoshinobu Nagano Yoshitomo Kake Shiho Suhama Miyuki Kuhara Yuki Fukazawa Seiji Hirakawa Yukiko Nagamatsu Masayasu Yamamoto Toru
PP. 1 - 10
Creating New Contents in Secondary Home Economics to Understand and Sympathize with Children in developing Countries : Possibility of the Learning in Making Picture Books for Infants
PP. 11 - 20
A Study on Curriculum Organization of International Political Education on the Connection of the Junior and Senior High School (1)
PP. 21 - 30
An Enforcement of 'Distinct Teaching Practice' at Hiroshima University (I)
Kihara Seiichiro Matsuura Nobukazu Suzuki Yumiko Yamasaki Takahito Kifune Noriyuki Shimizu Kinya Koyama Masataka Tashima Shunzo Shimomukai Tatsuhiko Takemura Shinji Hatasa Yukiko Yanagihara Eiji Yokota Akiko Hamamoto Yoshiyasu Uchida Masazou Fukazawa Hiroaki Okamoto Yuko Tokinaga Masunori Kurihara Shinji Matsumoto Toru Jinno Masaki Omatsu Yasuhiro Kanamaru Jyunji Kono Yoshifumi Harada Ryozou Shimamoto Yasushi Kimoto Kazushige Mito Yoshiro Takemori Koji Kono Susumu
PP. 31 - 40
PP. 41 - 50
A study on teacher training for mathematics education : Focusing on assessment of instruction
Tominaga Kazuhiro Aotani Akihiro Kodama Takafumi Inoue Yoshifumi Ogata Yuji Kida Hideaki Kohno Yoshifumi Sasaki Yasuhiko Sunahara Toru Kageyama Sanpei Koyama Masataka Shimomura Tetsu
PP. 51 - 57
Developing attainment targets in teaching practice for English teachers
PP. 59 - 65
A Study on Teacher Training for Japanese Language Education at Hiroshima University High School (3)
PP. 67 - 76
A Study on New Exchange Activities and Collaborative Learning Programs for Disabled and Non-disabled Students in Special Support Education
Ochiai Toshiro Funatsu Morihisa Hayashida Masashi Kawai Norimune Mutaguchi Tatsumi Kobayashi Hideyuki Kifune Noriyuki Tanimoto Tadaaki Wakamatsu Akihiko Hayashi Takehiro Shimamoto Yasushi Okuno Masatsugu Kuramoto Yukari Matsuura Yuki Oniki Tomoko
PP. 87 - 94
A Basic Study of the Development of the Transition Curriculum in Music Education from Preschool to Elementary School (1) : Focusing on Pitch-matching Ability of Children.
Mimura Mayumi Yoshitomi Katsunobu Kaneoka Miyuki Aohara Eiko Ohashi Miyoko Arimura Yuka Ikeda Akiko Isomura Aki Inoue Yoshiko Kake Shiho Kimioka Tomochika Kuhara Yuki Suhama Miyuki Higashi Kanako Yamanaka Satomi
PP. 95 - 100
Research on the connection of the junior and senior high school in the science (II) : It aims at an effective spiral of learning and the deepen of the scientific thinking
PP. 101 - 109
PP. 111 - 115
Study on the method of scientific education focusing on the development of scientific thinking in children : Approach focusing on awareness of the force of air pressure
Suzuki Yumiko Yamasaki Takahito Zaima Yumiko Sugeta Naoe Hayashi Yoshie Shoda Ruriko Hidani Miyuki Doi Toru Ashida Chie
PP. 127 - 133
The curriculum development for collaboration between kindergarten and elementary school from the point of children's experiences (5)
Inoue Wataru Asakura Atsushi Ikeda Akiko Kimioka Tomochika Aohara Eiko Ishii Nobutaka Kato Keiko Kaneta Toshiharu
PP. 135 - 144
Development of Music Education Program Improving Listening-singing and Sight-singing Ability (3) : Noting to Improving Listening-singing.
Mimura Mayumi Yoshitomi Katsunobu Aohara Eiko Ogata Mitsuru Oohashi Miyoko Kawabe Akiko Fukuda Hidenori Moriyasu Naomi
PP. 145 - 154
A tentative proposal for quantitative method to evaluate the attitude toward mathematics in secondary school (3)
Inoue Yoshifumi Kohno Yoshifumi Kageyama Sanpei Ueda Atsumi Matsuura Taketo Aotani Akihiro Ogata Yuji Sunahara Toru
PP. 165 - 174
Improvement of cooperative creativity through learning in elective subject (Arithmetic/Mathemetics)
Tanigawa Yoshikazu Hujii Masahiro Yamasaki Hiroaki Ueda Atsumi Ikehata Ryo Matsuura Taketo
PP. 175 - 180
A practical study on developing Japanese language education syllabus for linguistic capability (1)
Yoshida Hirohisa Nanba Hirotaka Kishita Miwako Aoyama Yukinori Morizawa Shinichi Tateishi Yasuyuki
PP. 181 - 190
Development of music learning for the students to express themselves (4) : A study on cooperative creation in the music education.
Ohashi Miyoko Aohara Eiko Kuwata Kazuya Hamamoto Yoshiyasu Gondo Atsuko
PP. 191 - 200
An Empirical Research on the Teaching and Assessment to Inform and Improve Observation and Insight in the School Mathematics
Okada Yasushi Tosaoka Tomoko Omatsu Yasuhiro Ueda Atsumi Matsuura Taketo
PP. 201 - 210
A Study of Inprovemento for the class through Career Education in life Environment Studies
Naito Hiroyoshi Asakura Atushi Kouyama Takaya Sumoto Yoshio Tarutani Hideyuki
PP. 211 - 219
Research on Understanding in Elementary School Mathematics Learning (VIII) : Focusing on Fourth Graders' Conception of Angle
Eno Jun Koyama Masataka Iwasaki Hideki Isobe Toshiyuki Imamura Takako Abe Yoshitaka Shinno Yusuke Mukai Keiko
PP. 221 - 228
Developing teaching materials of Riben Hanshi and Riben Hanwen for junior and senior high schooll students living in a modern society (3)
PP. 229 - 238
The Music Lesson Plan Aimimg for Advancement ofAchivement by Learner's Self and Mutual Evaluation (2)
PP. 239 - 248
A Study of the Curriculum Development through Energy Education in Life Environment Studies and Science Education.
Kishi Toshiyuki Shiba Kazumi Yamashita Takahito Naito Hiroyoshi
PP. 249 - 256
A lesson research for enhancement of ability to analize oneself objectively in P.E. : Practice study of short track running at eighth grade
Oda Hirofumi Shimamoto Yasushi Matuda Yasusada Higashikawa Yasuo
PP. 257 - 263
Comprehensive education for children into healthier eating styles, food production and consumption for a healthy life and quality of living
Kawasaki Hiromi Teraoka Sawa Aratani Mitsuko Kadonaga Michi Inoue Yoshiko Kaneoka Miyuki Kanamaru Jyunji Kimoto Kazushige Yaku Arisa Morimoto Maki
PP. 265 - 269
Food education in the elementary school : Association of the occlusal changes and eating habit for children in the elementary school
Tabe Hideki Tanaka Eiji Ueda Hiroshi Kou Myonson Watanabe Genki Horihata Atsushi Aizawa Mitsue Omatsu Yasuhiro Takemoto Hideyo Tanne Kazuo
PP. 271 - 274
Assessment of saliva components related to palatability of school lunch for the promotion of healthy eating
PP. 275 - 278
Investigation on eating habits of elementary school children.
Hayashi Fumiko Kaihara Yasutaka Aizawa Mitsue Omatsu Yasuhiro Kozai Katsuyuki
PP. 279 - 286
PP. 297 - 306
Improvement of agri-food literacy for children through farm animal assisted education II
Tanida Hajime Koba Yuki Kaneoka Miyuki Ikeda Akiko Kake Shiho Suhama Miyuki Kimioka Tomochika Kuhara Yuki Inoue Yuko Yamanaka Satomi Higashi Kanako Isomura Aki Arimura Yuka
PP. 307 - 315
The relaton between the development of the movement skills in young children and kindergarten's environment.
Nanakida Atsushi Sugimura Shinichirou Zaima Yumiko Hayashi Yoshie Miyake Mizuho Naoe Sugeta Shouda Ruriko Ochiai Sayuri Tanaka Saori Sato Chie Matsui Gota
PP. 317 - 323
A Practical Suggestion for English Language Teaching in Elementary Schools (2)
Fukazawa Seiji Matsuura Nobukazu Akamatsu Takeshi Iga Yasue Ishihara Yoshifumi Icho Hiroshi Goi Chiho Dan Izumi Sasahara Toyozo Harada Ryozo Hisayama Shinya
PP. 325 - 329
Basic research on user authentication of kindergartener, child and student : Practical use of the HINET in attached schools and Kindergartens
PP. 331 - 337
Creating children's culture in learning in elementary school (VIII) : Influence of the visiting lesson by the museum attendant upon children's understanding about the insect
Shiba Kazumi Yamasaki Takahito Kishi Toshiyuki Nakata Shinsuke Sanada Miho Akiyama Satoshi Doi Toru Tahara Jun
PP. 349 - 358
Career education and formed career awareness in junior high school.
Maeda Kenichi Chujo Kazumitsu Kimoto Kazushige Fujii Shiho Minoshima Takashi Fujita Yoshiko Niimi Naoko Matsuda Yukiko
PP. 359 - 365
A Class Study on How Students Develop Their Solid Learning Abilities in Mat Exercise : Throught Class Practice of Group Mat
PP. 367 - 376
Investigation for the curriculum development of moral education between kindergarten and elementary school from the point of social relationship (part 3).
Miyasato Tomoe Kohyama Takaya Suzuki Yumiko Ohashi Miyoko Kato Hideo Kimioka Tomotika Ikeda Akiko
PP. 377 - 386
A Study on the Learner's "Progress" in Teaching and Learning Geography on the Junior Highschool [1] : based on the Unit "Whose is Douro?"
PP. 387 - 395
The study on the contents and methods about food information of Home Economics : the lesson plan in senior high school general subject "basic home economics"
Kayashima Tomoko Takahashi Miyoko Ikawa Yoshiko Kinoshita Mizuho Suzuki Akiko Matsubara Kiminori Sato Atsuko
PP. 397 - 404
The introduction of functional anatomical models to the teaching of biology for senior high school students.
Satoda Takahiro Shimoe Saiji Fujimoto Hitomi Shiraga Masaya Inoue Jun-ichi Yokoyama Michiaki
PP. 405 - 408
Science education which theme is climate (fu-u-do) in Hiroshima. (I)
PP. 409 - 414
Does parents' embrace of one's child affect their parental feelings and children's act in kindergarten?
Imakawa Shinji Yamamoto Takaharu Zaima Yumiko Hayashi Yoshie Miyake Mizuho Ochiai Sayuri
PP. 415 - 423
The Curriculum Development of the net type games for 9 years from the Primary to the Junior High School.
Yato Shinjiro Kamisige Syuji Kobayakawa Yosinobu Matsuda Yasusada Kihara Seiichiro Matsuo Chiaki
PP. 425 - 434
A fundamental study on teaching materials and methods for developing integrated learning of Japanese language (IV) : Some considerations on two Japanese language units for thinking environments around us
Yamamoto Takaharu Sasaki Isamu Sugikawa Chigusa Kato Hideo Yazawa Satoshi Fujita Yoshiko
PP. 435 - 444
Social studies learning to foster international quality (3) : Research on curriculum in social studies to developing "material-application-ability" and "social-participating-ability"
Yagyu Daisuke Ishihara Naohisa Nagano Yoshitomo Ikeno Norio Tanahashi Kenji Kimura Hirokazu
PP. 445 - 452
The Development of Unit on Formation of General Idea about Energy in Junior High School (II)
PP. 453 - 458
Practical research on the molecular biological experiment utilizing the in vitro transcription and translation system in school.
PP. 459 - 462
A Study of Art Education on the Development of Universal Citizenship (2)
Uchida Masazou Nakamura Kazuyo Kato Keiko Oka Yoshika Yamato Hiroko
PP. 463 - 472
A Study on Children's Scientific Model Making in Science Class (2) : Teaching of "Changes of the Ground" for Collaboration between Elementary Science and Junior High School Science
PP. 473 - 482
A Servey and Study of the influence on the high school student's course selection by the History of University. (2)
PP. 483 - 492
The School's Proper Actions and its Cooperation with its Students' Families, the Related Agencies, and their Community in Order to Prevent its Students from Turning to Wrongdoings : the Questionnaire Research on the Drift between Two Delinquent Waves in the Early 1980s and Late 90s to the Graduates ofa Junior High School Affiliated with a University.
Kanamaru Junji Kimoto Kazunari Nakao Yoshiyuki Hata Hiroto
PP. 493 - 501
A survey on dental caries experience in schoolchildren
PP. 503 - 505
Cultivation on Publicity through the Environmental Map Making of the School District
Sendai Shoichiro Hikita Atsushi Okamoto Norihisa Morisawa Shinichi
PP. 507 - 512
A Research about Computer-Aided Education Technique for Color- Coordinate in Home Economics Using Hand Drawn Images by Pupils
PP. 513 - 516