学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 36 号
2008-03-20 発行

生徒の非行化を阻止するために学校が独自にとりうる措置と、家庭・関係機関・地域社会との連携(V) : 卒業生への体験質問票調査による「非行化の波」の狭間の解明

The School's Proper Actions and its Cooperation with its Students' Families, the Related Agencies, and their Community in Order to Prevent its Students from Turning to Wrongdoings : the Questionnaire Research on the Drift between Two Delinquent Waves in the Early 1980s and Late 90s to the Graduates ofa Junior High School Affiliated with a University.
金丸 純二
木本 一成
665 KB