24 巻
2018-03-22 発行
ISSN : 1341-111X
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属教育実践総合センター
岡 直樹先生退職記念特集
Creating and evaluating the sample of case report on individual learning support
小澤 郁美 柏原 志保 岡 直樹
PP. 3 - 10
Development of a revised mathematical questionnaire: For learners’ cognitive aspects
柏原 志保 小澤 郁美 岡 直樹
PP. 11 - 18
A cognitive counseling for a student with weakness in mathematics: Utilizing external resources.
細川 真 岡 直樹
PP. 19 - 26
Cognitive counseling in the school education
串田 聡司
PP. 27 - 31
Impact of cognitive counseling among undergraduate trainee teachers: Analysis of change in responses of participants.
田中 紗枝子 福屋 いずみ 細川 真 岡 直樹
PP. 33 - 38
The Status Quo for Learning Support in the Niko Niko Hiroshima Room: Current Issues of Cognitive Counseling
中村 涼 岡 直樹
PP. 39 - 46
Career development support in Singapore education system: The ECG approach
劉 一杰 山崎 茜 エリクソン ユキコ 大國 綾子 栗原 慎二
PP. 47 - 54
Development of video tests for elementary school physical education to assess pupil’s ability to think and judge: An example of “forward roll on the buck,” a vaulting horse exercise
大後戸 一樹 末吉 知規
PP. 55 - 60
Development of a Field Guide for Identification of Plant Species by using of the "Google My Map"
竹下 俊治 石原 悠作 今村 亮介 藩 祐佳 堀田 晃毅
PP. 61 - 65
A Report on a Stargazing Session Conducted by Graduate and Undergraduate Students: Observing the Shapes of Moon and Saturn through Telescopes by Kindergarten Children
山崎 博史 妹尾 息吹 長谷川 礼次 藤井 潤 羽座 健太 武永 有岐子 久森 洸希 久原 有貴
PP. 67 - 73
Analysis of Learning Process in Lesson about Ability for Technology Assessment
谷田 親彦 堤 健人 菊谷 和哉
PP. 75 - 82
The method of lesson study based on the structure of the subject: the case of primary social studies classroom
川口 広美 城戸 ナツミ 近藤 秀樹 尾藤 郁哉 高 錦婷 福元 正和 山口 安司 兒玉 泰輔 茂松 郁弥 山本 稜 吉川 友則 神野 幸隆 鈩 悠介 池野 範男
PP. 83 - 92
An Analysis of Teacher-Student Interactions in Senior High School English Classrooms
深澤 清治 飯田 弘哉 秦 史典
PP. 99 - 106
A Fundamental Study on the Current Situation of Physical Education in Zambia: Focusing on School Physical Education and Physical Education Teacher Training
齊藤 一彦 横田 知佳
PP. 107 - 113
Standardization in Curriculum-Reform and Pedagogical Freedom of School in Germany
PP. 115 - 122
Development and Operation of the Handbooks for Initial Teachers and Mentors (Ⅱ): The Results and Issues through the Use by Initial Teachers and Mentors
PP. 123 - 129
A Report on Overseas Teaching Practicum by Graduate Students in Elementary/Secondary Schools in the United States(Ⅺ)
朝倉 淳 深澤 清治 松浦 武人 松宮 奈賀子 泉 沙希 城戸 ナツミ 近藤 秀樹 塩田 佐恵 髙木 勝海 中山 貴司 畠山 絢 尾藤 郁哉 福田 麟太朗 古川 惠理 宗本 千鶴 吉﨑 優葵
PP. 131 - 148
A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching: Focusing on Teaching in Physical Education of A Junior High School Teacher B
PP. 149 - 156
The Principal of Inquiry-based Social Studies Curriculum for Developing Children’s Competency and Its Example Units: A Case of “The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework” by NCSS
草原 和博 金 鍾成 河原 洸亮 鈩 悠介 兒玉 泰輔 茂松 郁弥 山本 稜 吉川 友則
PP. 157 - 166
The Principle of Three Equivalence of National Income: The Construction of Economics for Education Training Courses
PP. 167 - 173
What Impact does Physical Education have on Classroom Management?: Focus on a case of a novice teacher in a primary school
岩田 昌太郎 中山 泉 川口 諒 正木 志歩 有馬 尊 濱本 想子 則清 陽香 中川 昂 室本 佳祐 佐藤 由惟
PP. 175 - 185
Consensus building in "Tokkatsu" and "Arithmetic"
若松 昭彦 小峰 祐香 若松 美沙
PP. 193 - 198