23 巻
2017-03-22 発行
ISSN : 1341-111X
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属教育実践総合センター
Study support to encourage the concept acquisition of fraction and decimal by hypothetical instruction and lesson induction
浦上 萌 岡 直樹
PP. 1 - 8
How do university students take notes? (2): The structural features of their note-taking on slide lecture
PP. 9 - 17
Modification of Culturing Method for Saprolegnia sp. as the Observation Material in Biology
竹下 俊治 高尾 彰
PP. 27 - 30
Learning Contexts in Science Education Using “Water” as a Material: Evolution of the Earth and Role of the Water
PP. 31 - 38
Development for Art and Handcraft Class that Incorporates “Dynamic Expression” to Moving Craft Work by Programming
谷田 親彦 河野 展大 磯部 征尊 三根 和浪
PP. 39 - 47
A Comparative Study of the Uses of English Relative Pronouns Found in Some Japanese and Malaysian Secondary School English Textbooks
深澤 清治 阪上 辰也 入船 弘毅 梅木 璃子 清水 奈美 高木 大誠 張 子鳳 堀本 陽平 Sudirman
PP. 49 - 56
Types of Active Learning in High School and Junior High School
吉田 成章 松田 充 佐藤 雄一郎
PP. 57 - 64
What praise enhance children's motivation for learning?
田村 玲奈 岡 直樹 柏原 志保
PP. 65 - 69
Development of Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession for Quality Assurance of Teacher Education (Ⅱ): Based on the Results of the Interview Survey to Undergraduate
米沢 崇 宮木 秀雄 久保 研二
PP. 71 - 80
A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching: Focusing on ‘Teaching Style’ in Physical Education of An Elementary School Teacher A
PP. 81 - 91
Development and evaluation of the programs supporting for social studies class improvement: Structure of the online and handbook programs applyed to pre/in-servise teachers
草原 和博 大坂 遊 金 鍾成 稲垣 和 岡田 公一 河原 洸亮 斉藤 弘樹 迫 有香 竹内 和也 辻 幸大 守谷 富士彦 山田 薫 山口 安司
PP. 93 - 101
A Report on Overseas Teaching Practicum by Graduate Students in Elementary/Secondary Schools in the United States(Ⅹ)
小原 友行 深澤 清治 朝倉 淳 松浦 武人 松宮 奈賀子 阿比留 久美 兒玉 泰輔 茂松 郁弥 志摩 愛里 平野 優輝 山本 稜 吉川 友則 奥田 麻衣子
PP. 103 - 116
The Concept of National Income: The Construction of Economics for Education Training Courses
PP. 117 - 121
Practice of classroom activity in elementary school: Through the speech and behavior analysis of "classroom meeting"
若松 昭彦 川原 陽子 熊田 信一郎 鏡原 崇史
PP. 131 - 138
The Support of ‘Multicultural Education’ in South Korea: The Practice of Multicultural Preparatory Schools
小川 佳万 姜 姫銀
PP. 139 - 145
Development of the Morality Lessons foucused on Life Respect Values
鈴木 由美子 松田 芳明
PP. 155 - 161