29 巻
2023-03-17 発行
ISSN : 1341-111X
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属教育実践総合センター
Can an Educational Approach Help Abuse Children?: With Reference to an Institution in the Philippines
池田 いぶき 栗原 慎二
PP. 1 - 7
Basic Study of the Development of Inquiry-Based Learning Programs Based on Observational Activities of Volcanic Rocks and their Thin Sections: Focusing on the Various Formation Processes of Volcanic Rocks
山崎 博史 松村 篤
PP. 9 - 13
Development of 3D Teaching materials for Understanding the Visibility of Venus
吉冨 健一 福嶋 泰之
PP. 15 - 22
The Approach of Internalizing Value Without Indoctrination in Citizenship Education: The Case of the Council of Europe
川口 広美 田中 崚斗 𠮷田 純太郎 髙見 史織 神田 颯
PP. 23 - 31
How Do “Modern and Contemporary History” Textbooks Reflect Qualities and Abilities Theory?: Pursuing Co-Existence and Its Synergistic Effect Between Social Studies Education and Qualities and Abilities Theory
金 鍾成 岡井 美咲希 神田 颯 首藤 慧真 正出 七瀬 村上 遥大 村上 正龍 住谷 侑也
PP. 33 - 41
Present Conditions and Challenges of Three-dimensional Art Education under the Circumstances of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Educational Site of University for Practical Learning of Sculpture and Ceramic Art
PP. 51 - 58
Research on Sculpture and Three-Dimensional Works in the Teacher Training Course: Focusing on Materials of Public Art Works
PP. 59 - 66
Content Analysis of Descriptions of Motion Information in Videos: An Analysis of Descriptions of “Straddle Vault” Observed by Students from the Third Grade in Elementary School to the Second Grade in Junior High School
大後戸 一樹 坂田 行平 住田 哲太朗 冨岡 宏健 中西 紘士
PP. 67 - 74
An Intervention to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Use of Learning Strategies in English Vocabulary Learning: A Learning Program for Sixth-Grade Students
成瀬 陽奈子 深谷 達史
PP. 75 - 81
An Analysis of Lecture on “Money recasting of Shoutoku”: Fusion of Education on History and Economics
PP. 83 - 90
Graduate Students and Teacher Educator Learning from each other through a Physical Education Lesson Study: Focusing on the Change in Perspective after Lesson Observation
岩田 昌太郎 敖敦 其其格 沖津 善 東海林 豪 和田津 皓也 佐藤 智樹
PP. 91 - 103
A Case Study on Science Teaching Competence for Diverse Learning: Focusing on Reflection on Trial Teaching
PP. 105 - 113
What is Needed to Develop Teacher Educators in Schools?: A Survey of Attitudes Toward Leadership and Senior-Level Teachers
PP. 115 - 121
Self-Study to Improve Teacher Educators’ Feedback in Post-Microteaching Consultation
松本 佑介 山本 佐江 草原 和博
PP. 123 - 134
A Self-Study of the Conflicts and Tensions Faced by School-Based Teacher Educators: Case Study by Two Experienced Leaders who Handled Professional Development in Their Schools
真加部 湧大 篠原 嶺 村上 聡恵 大坂 遊
PP. 135 - 146
Content Analysis of Regional Geography in the Elementary Textbook “Oxford International Primary Geography”
由井 義通 阪上 弘彬 横川 知司 潘 意涵 陶 子 原田 歩 劉 暁一 沈 彧磬 清水 優生 近沢 菜々子 中村 光希 王 莹 木村 海斗 首藤 慧真 村上 正龍 服部 美紀
PP. 147 - 154
Creating Inclusive Classroom Management Based on "withitness": Attempt to Organize Concepts
若松 昭彦 若松 美沙
PP. 155 - 162