学校教育実践学研究 29 巻
2023-03-17 発行

英単語学習における動機づけの向上と学習方略使用の促進を目指した介入研究 : 小学6年生に対する学習講座の実践から

An Intervention to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Use of Learning Strategies in English Vocabulary Learning: A Learning Program for Sixth-Grade Students
成瀬 陽奈子
595 KB
The purpose of this study was to examine whether teaching English vocabulary learning strategies to sixth-grade students promotes their motivation and spontaneous use of learning strategies. Nine sixth-grade students participated in a five-day study program held at a university. In the course, students were taught the elaboration and organizing strategy and trained to use these strategies. For elaboration strategy, students utilized katakana English to infer the pronounce and meaning of English words. For organization strategy, we taught them how to decompose English words into affixes and stems, and to understand them by combining their meanings. Phonics instruction was also provided so that the students could use these strategies on their own. The results showed that both self-efficacy and value of learning English words enhanced from pre- to post measurements. In addition, the results of the English vocabulary learning test showed that the students learned more English vocabulary in the post-test.
learning strategy
English vocabulary
elementary school
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