19 巻
2013-03-21 発行
ISSN : 1341-111X
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属教育実践総合センター
Study suport for an elementary school child who is underachiever
田村 玲奈 岡 直樹 木舩 憲幸 外山 智絵
PP. 1 - 10
Individual learning support for solving mathematical problemsexpressed in words : Focusing on the strategy of diagrams use
嶋村 有紀 徳島 沙帆 岡 直樹 宮谷 真人
PP. 11 - 20
A cognitive counseling for a child is weak in calculation by using textbooks and memorized multiplication
中村 涼 岡 直樹
PP. 21 - 28
A cognitive counseling for a junior high school student with weakness in mathematics : An instruction in the numerical calculation.
田中 紗枝子 池田 丈世 岡 直樹 宮谷 真人
PP. 29 - 36
Comparing Niko Niko Room's educational support effects of university students, elementary students, and guardians (5) : Questionnaires from 2011
児玉 真樹子 岡 直樹 小島 奈々恵 木舩 憲幸 外山 智絵
PP. 37 - 43
A school of thought on class administration forming the foundation for inclusive education : Autonomous class group inclusive of children with developmental disorders, underachiever and so on
若松 昭彦 谷中 龍三
PP. 45 - 55
Youth Service and "Ibasho" : Practice of Youth Service in US and Japan
枝廣 和憲 中村 孝 山崎 茜 長江 綾子 栗原 慎二
PP. 57 - 64
A Support Program for poverty group by Department of Education in USA : From inspection of Specialized High Schools Institute
中村 孝 枝廣 和憲 長江 綾子 山崎 茜 米沢 崇 栗原 慎二
PP. 65 - 71
Study on the Comprehensive School Counseling and Guidance Approach in the United States : From inspection at PBIS
長江 綾子 山崎 茜 中村 孝 枝廣 和憲 エリクソン ユキコ 栗原 慎二
PP. 73 - 82
Inspection about Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
山崎 茜 長江 綾子 山田 洋平 枝廣 和憲 中村 孝 山﨑 千穂 栗原 慎二
PP. 83 - 87
Developing Reading Activities by Litearture Circles : In the Case of a Japanese Language Arts Classroom
山元 隆春 居川 あゆ子
PP. 89 - 99
Considerations Regarding the Way Teaching "Shosha" Should establish a Mutually Complementary Relationship with Teaching "Traditional Linguistic Culture"
松本 仁志 礒野 美佳
PP. 101 - 111
The Effectiveness of the Shadowing for Intermediate Chinese Learners of Japanese in China : By using the shadowing and oral repeated reading training in Japanese classes
松見 法男 韓 暁 于 一帆 佐藤 智照 費 暁東 当銘 盛之 松原 愛
PP. 113 - 122
The Effects of Diagram Use on Word Problem Solving Processes
岡 直樹 池田 優里
PP. 123 - 128
An educational program for the unit of "Function of Running Water" in Science at the fifth grade using a transparent round shape water tank
山崎 博史 大石 勝子 脇坂 将城 田中 庸介 金本 文雄
PP. 129 - 135
Developing a Field Work Training Program for Understanding of a Formation Process of an Accretionary Complex and its Evaluation
PP. 137 - 146
Research Development of an Art Appreciation Unit of the Arts and Crafts to Develop Children's Aesthetic Perception : Based on the Concepts of the Kettering Project and the Aesthetic Eye Project
中村 和世 青山 寿重
PP. 147 - 160
Research and Study on the Nutrition Education Programs for the Homemaking in Elementary School of the Inclusive Education : Analysis of Learning Process of Child with Developmental Disabilities
伊藤 圭子 山崎 優子
PP. 161 - 170
A kinesiological study on pupils' observations of the demonstrations video : Focusing on the gymnastics in the physical education class of the elementary school
PP. 171 - 178
Content analysis of motion descriptions : Focusing on the change of observations before and after class
大後戸 一樹 久保 研二
PP. 179 - 185
For a Smooth Transition from Elementary School Foreign Language Activities to Junior High School English : Principles and Practices in Oasa Junior High School
小野 章 齋藤 智子
PP. 187 - 193
A Study of Senior High School Teachers' L1 Use in the English Language Classroom in Japan : From Retrospective Reports by University Students
深澤 清治 伊東 弥香 山内 優佳 守長 和人
PP. 195 - 203
Information Provision Regarding Japanese Special Needs Education to the Community Residents : Information on the Website of the Local Elementary Schools and the Educational Boards of Cities and Towns
谷本 忠明 渡瀬 春香
PP. 213 - 218
The Construction of Economics for Education Training Courses About Diminishing Cost Industry
PP. 219 - 224
PP. 225 - 235
Fixation of Basic Knowledge on the Home Economics (Dietary Life) for the Students of the Department of Education for Elementary School
PP. 237 - 246
The study on the Professional Development of Teaching in Physical Education : Focusing the View on Teaching in Physical Education of An Elementary School Teacher A in His Life History
木原 成一郎 村上 彰彦
PP. 247 - 258
A Report on Overseas Teaching Practicum by Graduate Students in Elementary/Secondary Schools in the United States (VI)
小原 友行 深澤 清治 朝倉 淳 松浦 武人 松宮 奈賀子 佛崎 はる菜 横井 涼也 大谷 祐貴 瀬戸 康輝 西村 祥太郎 森 玲薫 北村 真理子
PP. 259 - 270
Practice of experience and study activities dealing with the living thing of the sea and the beach (11)
鳥越 兼治 富川 光 大塚 攻
PP. 271 - 277