学校教育実践学研究 23 巻
2017-03-22 発行

「水」を素材とした理科の学習文脈 : 地球の成り立ちと水の循環

Learning Contexts in Science Education Using “Water” as a Material: Evolution of the Earth and Role of the Water
799 KB
We are studying on the development of teaching/learning materials in Science. This article focuses on a contextual science learning of the Earth’s origin and the hydrological circulation from the perspective of “water”. Some storylines about the origin of water, the gravity of planet, formation of the atmosphere and seas, and the creation of life are proposed in connection with the knowledge and concepts of physics, chemistry, and biology as well as earth science. And an example of lesson practice for state transition of “water” including the interdisciplinary aspects such as thermodynamics in physics and meteorology in earth science is also presented.
Science education
Teaching materials
learning materials
Context-based learning
Interdisciplinary education