学校教育実践学研究 Volume 24
published_at 2018-03-22

認知カウンセリングの経験が教職を目指す大学生に及ぼす影響 : 2014年度後期・2015年度前期参加学生の回答の変化から

Impact of cognitive counseling among undergraduate trainee teachers: Analysis of change in responses of participants.
Tanaka Saeko
Fukuya Izumi
Hosokawa Shin
872 KB
In recent years, teachers have been required to possess high level of expertise, such as acquiring practical teaching skills alongside offering psychoeducational services. In order to develop such expertise, any knowledge acquired need to be put to practice. This study investigated the impact of cognitive counseling on university students who wanted to become teachers. A quantitative test analysis was carried out on free description answers, and an exploratory study was conducted. As a result, it became clear that trainee teachers’ experience of cognitive counseling helped them to think about supporting children in becoming “self-organized learners.” However, little mention was made of the psychological knowledge necessary for cognitive counseling. Further guidance is needed to understand how to apply such knowledge practically.
learning support
cognitive counseling
teacher training
text mining