学校教育実践学研究 24 巻
2018-03-22 発行


Development of a revised mathematical questionnaire: For learners’ cognitive aspects
柏原 志保
小澤 郁美
899 KB
In this research, we develop the revised questionnaire measuring three cognitive aspects of elementary school children that helps to understand learners’ cognitive states and evaluate the effect of learning support program at Niko-Niko Room. It was consisted of three scales which are important for conducting learning support approaching from cognitive counseling: A scale for beliefs about learning mathematics, mathematical self-efficacy, and learning strategies on learning mathematics. 261 elementary school children in the 4―6th grades participated in our research. Results of factor analyses for each scale show that (a) the scale for children’s beliefs about learning was a four-factor structure, (b) the scale for children’s mathematical self-efficacy was consisted of a single factor, and (c) the scale for children’s learning strategy of mathematics was also a one-factor structure. After that, we proposed the “Revised edition mathematical questionnaire”, measuring the children’s beliefs about learning, self-efficacy, and learning strategies especially in mathematical support. This will be contributed evaluating about Niko-Niko-Room’s learning support program.
cognitive counseling
beliefs about learning
learning strategies