7 号
2008-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1347-1619
ONLINE ISSN : 2759-0968
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
Effects of positive autobiographical memory on moods: The role of the importance and vividness of memory, and its dependency on depression
宮谷 真人 高野 義昭
PP. 1 - 10
Conflict related negativity like component during occupational choice : An ERP study
中尾 敬 光元 麻世 片山 香 宮谷 真人
PP. 11 - 18
Target words and sentences for Japanese version of the reading span test
大塚 一徳 宮谷 真人
PP. 19 - 33
The gaze-triggered attention to face-target
徳永 智子 宮谷 真人
PP. 35 - 42
The effect of facial expressions on gaze-triggered attention : Evidence from event-related brain potentials
徳永 智子 宮谷 真人
PP. 43 - 51
Influence of knowledge, interest, and fear regarding AIDS on HIV coping intentions
深田 博己 高本 雪子
PP. 53 - 70
An examination of the narcissistic reactance theory of sex coercion (2)
深田 博己 神谷 真由美 疋田 容子 樋口 匡貴
PP. 71 - 86
The effects of video-taped method on promoting college students' job hunting behaviors
樋口 匡貴
PP. 87 - 92
A study of the process and the effect of the coping strategies of "agari" in the speech situation
樋口 匡貴 南谷 のどか 藏永 瞳 深田 博己
PP. 93 - 101
Factors influencing the effects of self-derogation on interpersonal impressions
樋口 匡貴 川村 千賀子 原 郁水 塚脇 涼太 深田 博己
PP. 103 - 108
Influence of the receiver's feedbacks regarding the sender's self-presentation on the sender's self-evaluation
原 郁水 深田 博巳 樋口 匡貴 高本 雪子
PP. 109 - 124
Narcissism and self-esteem in adolescence
新見 直子 川口 朋子 江村 理奈 越中 康治 目久田 純一 前田 健一
PP. 125 - 138
Classification of words representing anger by emotional intensity of anger
目久田 純一 塚脇 涼太 國田 祥子 藤木 大介 前田 健一
PP. 139 - 146
Influences of self-efficacy and supports from parents and friends on undergraduate students' vocational commitment
松田 由希子 前田 健一
PP. 147 - 158
Individual-based identity and relatedness-based identity, and difficulty with interpersonal relations in adolescence
山田 みき 岡本 祐子
PP. 159 - 171
Relationship between mothers' view of their children's severe motor and intellectual disabilities and awareness of their death
前盛 ひとみ 岡本 祐子
PP. 173 - 186
The investigation of women's identity reformation on the post child-rearing stage
兼田 祐美 岡本 祐子
PP. 187 - 206
The influence of mothers' experience in being brought up on her parenting attitudes to her children
木本 美際 岡本 祐子
PP. 207 - 225
The formation process of the adolescents' future time perspective based on the feeling of trust
比嘉 麻美子 岡本 祐子
PP. 227 - 243
Relationship between the change of social support reciprocity and depression among university students : Examination according to sex differences and support functions
山本 友美子 堀 匡 石垣 琢磨 大塚 泰正
PP. 245 - 253
A review of young children's reorientation in a small-scale environment
多田 幸子 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 255 - 272
Effects of printed teaching material for AIDS education (1)
深田 博己 高本 雪子 深田 成子
PP. 273 - 289
Effects of printed teaching material for AIDS education (2)
深田 博己 高本 雪子 深田 成子
PP. 291 - 310
University students and nicknames : The origins of nicknames and the feelings toward nicknames
淡野 将太 前田 健一
PP. 311 - 314
An investigation into the conceptual structure of the idea of motherhood : Through an analysis of the idea of motherhood questionnaire
松下 姫歌 村上 智美
PP. 315 - 323
Death anxiety and images of "Death", "Life" and "Self' in youth : Using Death Anxiety Scale and Semantic Differential Scale
松下 姫歌 尾方 綾
PP. 325 - 337