8 号
2009-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1347-1619
ONLINE ISSN : 2759-0968
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
Individual differences in working memory and extemal representations in problem solving
大塚 一徳 宮谷 真人
PP. 1 - 20
Differences in text comprehension after reading orally and silently
國田 祥子 山田 恭子 森田 愛子 中條 和光
PP. 21 - 32
The effects of environmental context manipulation on free recall task : The relation between the environmental context dependent memory effect and cue distinctiveness
山田 恭子
PP. 33 - 40
The effect of bystander's role-taking and sympathy on their behavior in the situation of bullying
蔵永 瞳 片山 香 樋口 匡貴 深田 博己
PP. 41 - 51
The relationship between trust for teachers and friends and school adjustment in junior high school students
前田 健一 佐久間 愛恵 新見 直子
PP. 53 - 66
The relationship between career awareness and communication contents with family or friends of junior high school students
新見 直子 前田 健一
PP. 67 - 75
A review and some considerations of studies in family relationships of eating disorder and eating disorder tendency
奥出 紗史美 岡本 祐子
PP. 77 - 87
Developing the identity scale based on the concepts of individuality- and relatedness- based identities
山田 みき 岡本 祐子
PP. 89 - 98
The relationship between "good children" and psychosocial development in university students
菊池 由莉 岡本 祐子
PP. 99 - 106
The relationship among behavior for their parents, identity and interpersonal attitude in university students
山本 彩留子 岡本 祐子
PP. 107 - 120
The COPE Inventory : A theoretically based coping questionnaire
PP. 121 - 128
Exploring factors associated with frequency of positive reframing for workers : A longitudinal study
大塚 泰正 鬼頭 愛子 堀 匡
PP. 129 - 135
Relationship between stressor, self-esteem and depression in trainee teachers
川人 潤子 堀 匡 大塚 泰正
PP. 137 - 146
Effects of the perception of support provider on mental health among university students : A longitudinal study based on the esteem enhancement theory
山本 友美子 堀 匡 大塚 泰正
PP. 147 - 162
Introduction of statistical methods in psychological research with R
徳永 智子 国里 愛彦 蔵永 瞳 髙村 真広 深瀬 裕子 宮谷 真人
PP. 163 - 176
One way ANOVA and multiple comparisons with R
髙村 真広 国里 愛彦 徳永 智子 蔵永 瞳 深瀬 裕子 宮谷 真人
PP. 177 - 190
Characteristics of visual images generated by abstract words
髙村 真広 宮谷 真人
PP. 191 - 196
Encounter experiences with malicious business and fraud among university students
深田 博己 石井 里絵 児玉 真樹子 樋口 匡貴
PP. 197 - 208
PP. 209 - 225
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on students' ability formations (1) : Survey results of students who participated in the program of the first semester of 2008
PP. 227 - 242
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support on school children (1) : Survey results of school children and their parents who participated in the program of the first semester of 2008
PP. 243 - 254
The characteristic of onomatopoeia at the preschool teacher
近藤 綾 渡辺 大介
PP. 255 - 261
Children's reorientation in a small-scale environment : A reexamination of the use of geometric information
多田 幸子 杉村 伸一郎
PP. 263 - 269
The relations between inclinations toward narcissism and identity in university students
松下 姫歌 橋村 裕治
PP. 271 - 280