14 号
2015-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1347-1619
ONLINE ISSN : 2759-0968
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
Does the spatial processing influence to harmonic cognition? : An event-related potential study <Article>
PP. 1 - 9
Social comparison and self-stereotyping : Gender of compared targets influences self-perceptions of men and women <Article>
森永 康子 小林 亮太 竹田 奈央 南谷 めぐみ 桑原 桃子 大森 麻由
PP. 11 - 18
The effect of embarrassed facial expressions on observer motive <Article>
福田 哲也 樋口 匡貴
PP. 19 - 26
How a disabled person's family recovered resilience through intervention by a daughter-in-law who became a companion for the disabled person <Article>
髙野 恵代 岡本 祐子 神谷 真由美 森田 修平 池田 龍也
PP. 27 - 37
An Exploratory Examination of Characteristic Patterns of Ego Function and Dream Experiences. <Article>
PP. 39 - 57
The factorial structure of the dissociative experiences Scale : On sub-functions of dissociation. <Article>
PP. 59 - 69
Regarding university students' experiences of symptoms of depersonalization : From the relationships with interpersonal stressors and mental health <Article>
荒木 優花 石田 弓
PP. 71 - 84
Understanding the link between state and trait aspects of self-esteem in a social context <Article>
中嶋 夕湖 下斗米 淳 岡本 祐子
PP. 85 - 97
Narcissistic vulnerability, cognitive evaluation of ego threat situation, coping strategies, and study of stress reaction <Article>
中嶋 夕湖 岡本 祐子
PP. 99 - 127
Effects of mismatch of internal tempo and external tempo on walking and emotions <Article>
PP. 129 - 139
Study of the drawing experience in "Mother and Child Drawings" using PAC Analysis <Article>
髙松 優貴 石田 弓
PP. 141 - 156
Interview study on the process of social participation by former street children and child laborers in India <Article>
PP. 157 - 172
On the Relationship among Collage Work, Stress Coping, and Interpersonal Stress <Article>
臼杵 亜衣 市来 百合子 石田 弓
PP. 173 - 181