18 号
2019-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1347-1619
ONLINE ISSN : 2759-0968
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
The effect of cross-cultural experience during school-age to ethnic identity development: Analysis of Japanese Adult Third Culture Kids
福井 亜由美 岡本 祐子
PP. 1 - 20
The process of ethnic identity development of Japanese Third Culture Kids experienced cross-cultural transition during school-age
福井 亜由美 岡本 祐子
PP. 21 - 44
A preliminary investigation of long-term cognitive-behavioral predictive factors of depression in high school students.
神原 広平 吉良 悠吾 尾形 明子
PP. 45 - 53
Effect of assumed-competence of college students on help-seeking style
岡本 祐子 新田 啓
PP. 55 - 66
Relationship among borderline personality traits, mother-and-child image, and internal object in adolescence
上野山 莉加 岡本 祐子
PP. 67 - 90
Relationship between conscious and unconscious processes: Subliminal mere exposure effects for targets in a negative social category are moderated by similarity to self and stimulus
三木 あかね 中島 健一郎
PP. 91 - 105
Cluster analysis of two factors of self-esteem and two types of narcissism in Japanese: How are unbalanced positive and negative aspects of self-esteem related to narcissism?
福留 広大 森永 康子
PP. 107 - 126
The relationship between involuntarily retrieved positive autobiographical memory and implicit mood
橋本 淳也 渡邊 洋一 宮谷 真人 中尾 敬
PP. 127 - 134
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and "Total Conviction"
重松 潤 尾形 明子 伊藤 義徳
PP. 135 - 148
The influence of attentional bias of social anxiety on anxiety in public speaking situations
松本 美涼 藤原 裕弥 尾形 明子
PP. 149 - 158
Developing a scale to assess the use of report writing strategies based on audience awareness
田中 光 山根 嵩史 中條 和光
PP. 159 - 173
Effort for solving difficult problems among university students: Why can they keep making efforts?
廣瀬 春香 服巻 豊 尾形 明子
PP. 175 - 188
Negative effects of positive stereotypes: Reconsidering the experiments by Siy and Cheryan (2016)
森永 康子 船田 紗緒里 小川 葵 野中 りょう 矢吹 圭 董 星宇
PP. 189 - 198
PP. -