広島大学心理学研究 18 号
2019-03-31 発行

ポジティブ・ステレオタイプのもたらすネガティブな効果 : Siy & Cheryan(2016)の追試

Negative effects of positive stereotypes: Reconsidering the experiments by Siy and Cheryan (2016)
船田 紗緒里
小川 葵
野中 りょう
矢吹 圭
董 星宇
502 KB
In study 1, based on the findings of Siy and Cheryan (2016), we investigated whether female targets who heard a positive stereotype of women would perceive the stereotype holder as a prejudiced person and whether two factors, a sense of depersonalization and belief of being negatively stereotyped, would mediate the process. In Study 2, we investigated the moderating effect of benevolent sexism on participant attitudes. Using a sample of female university students in Japan, we found that hearing a positive stereotype induced a sense of depersonalization as well as the perception of being a target of prejudice. However, we did not find any well-explained mediating or moderating effects. Further research should investigate the negative effects of positive stereotypes specifying the gender of a stereotype holder (i.e., a member of out-group or in-group) and measuring the perceived traits (e.g. warmth) of the stereotype holder.
positive stereotypes
negative stereotypes