11 号
2012-03-31 発行
PRINT ISSN : 1347-1619
ONLINE ISSN : 2759-0968
発行元 : 広島大学大学院
The research history of social psychology in the Department of Psychology at Hiroshima University
PP. 1 - 47
Motivational structure of each humor expression type
塚脇 涼太
PP. 49 - 56
Comparing adjustment and attitude of international students and non-international students
小島 奈々恵 深田 博己
PP. 57 - 67
Effects of a requester's dominance and relational consequence on the use of compliance-resisting strategies
井邑 智哉 松田 奈々 深田 博己 樋口 匡貴
PP. 69 - 77
View and behavior of Japanese university students toward people with developmental disabilities : Effects of contact experience, affiliated faculties and volunteer experience
PP. 79 - 88
Influences of the belief in being observed and theory of mind on young children's lying behavior
水口 啓吾 近藤 綾 渡辺 大介
PP. 89 - 98
The change of interactions between preschool children who are engaged in non-social play and others
德岡 大 前田 健一
PP. 99 - 105
The relations of social comparison and temporal comparison to English learning in university students
德岡 大 前田 健一
PP. 107 - 116
Generativity of professional identity in potters II : A microanalysis on achievement and successive process of potters' identity through master-student relationship at Tsunehide Shimabukuro studio
PP. 173 - 187
The influence and meaningfulness of nature activities on development of the youth with experience of school refusal
岡本 祐子 小嶋 由香 馴田 佳央
PP. 189 - 199
Stress reaction, social support and self-esteem of siblings of children with a chronic illness
尾形 明子 瀬戸上 美咲 近藤 綾
PP. 201 - 213
Examining a model of college students' intention of seeking counseling: relations among college students' concerns on seeking counseling, expectations on seeking counseling, and intention of seeking counseling
中岡 千幸 兒玉 憲一 高田 純 黄 正国
PP. 215 - 224
Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of 20-item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
川人 潤子 大塚 泰正 甲斐田 幸佐 中田 光紀
PP. 225 - 240
Primary school teacher's special educational need burden consciousness and mental health factors
高田 純 中岡 千幸 黄 正国
PP. 241 - 248
A qualitative study on supportive functions of a community-based self-help group for cancer survivors
黄 正国 中岡 千幸 高田 純
PP. 249 - 258
Factors to relieve the influence that a difference of the ideal self and the actual self gives to self-acceptance : From the perspective of meta level affirmation ofthe actual self and self-appraisal for the recognition of the difference
川上 夏季 石田 弓
PP. 259 - 277
Effects of positive reframing work to receive social supports
美木 由保 大塚 泰正
PP. 279 - 293
Kikokushijo's host country adjustment and home country re-adjustment : Kikokushijo from America
小島 奈々恵 深田 博己
PP. 295 - 302
Kikokushijo's change of attitude toward the home country and the host country : Kikokushijo from America
小島 奈々恵 深田 博己
PP. 303 - 310
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on students' ability formations (5) : Survey results of students who participated in the programs of 2011
小島 奈々恵 岡 直樹 児玉 真樹子 木舩 憲幸 外山 智絵
PP. 311 - 322
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on school children (6) : Survey results of school children and their parents who participated in the programs of 2011
小島 奈々恵 岡 直樹 児玉 真樹子 木舩 憲幸 外山 智絵
PP. 323 - 332
Perceptions of university faculty regarding school-nonattendance and supports for non-attendant students
荒井 佐和子 石田 弓 大塚 泰正 岡本 祐子 兒玉 憲一
PP. 339 - 347
Cognitive counseling for a child who is weak in arithmetic and kanji
近藤 綾 外山 智絵
PP. 349 - 364