22 巻
2016-03-22 発行
ISSN : 1341-111X
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属教育実践総合センター
Effects of Niko Niko Room’s educational support program on students’ ability formation (8) : Survey results of students who participated in the programs of 2014
小島 奈々恵 岡 直樹 児玉 真樹子
PP. 1 - 8
Effects of Niko Niko Room’s educational support program on school children (9) : Survey results of school children and their parents who participated in the programs of 2014
児玉 真樹子 岡 直樹 小島 奈々恵
PP. 9 - 16
Comparing Niko Niko Room’s educational support effects of university students, elementary students, and guardians (8) : Questionnaires from 2014
小島 奈々恵 岡 直樹 児玉 真樹子
PP. 17 - 23
Learning support for aiming acquirement of appropriate learning strategy : Utilizing external resources
串田 聡司 岡 直樹
PP. 25 - 34
Study support for a junior high school student who has difficulty with solving graphic problems and word problems
PP. 35 - 43
Study support by cognitive counseling for a junior-high-school student who has difficulty with solving ratio-word-problems
小澤 郁美 岡 直樹 湯澤 正通
PP. 45 - 54
PP. 55 - 64
Developing the Learning Through Workshop-Styled Teaching Poetry Writing : A Focus on the Effort of the Arvon Foundation
PP. 65 - 77
Education for Disaster Prevention in England : Analysis of Secondary Geography Textbooks
由井 義通 阪上 弘彬 村田 翔 杉谷 真理子 佟 亜斎娜 魏 思遥 後藤 雄大 都築 宏幸 孟 瑜 鎌田 祥子 鎌田 祐介 迫 有香 中村 勇介 橋本 訓典 藤本 理志 復本 真利江
PP. 79 - 88
Research on diagrams which help to solve the ratio word problems
細川 真 岡 直樹 前田 一誠 中岡 正弘
PP. 89 - 97
An active learning program of earth science study using observation of sediments and flume experiments in the laboratory: an example in a refresher course for teacher’s license renewal
PP. 99 - 104
Learning Context in Chemical Education Using “Water” in Chemical and Natural Events
PP. 105 - 112
Learning context in physics education using “water” as a material : An approach based on demonstrations
PP. 113 - 117
Learning context in biology education using “water” in marine ecosystem
PP. 119 - 124
Learning context in Earth Science education using “water” as a material : the function of the water in the Energy circulation of the Earth’s surface
PP. 125 - 134
Study on Critical Thinking of South Korean High School Students in Science Learning
木下 博義 崔 観順 佐伯 貴昭 山中 真悟
PP. 135 - 141
Development of a simple, hand made fluorescence microscope and a proposal to its practical use for the high school biology
竹下 俊治 雑賀 大輔 間賀 綾音 絹谷 和子 福田(時澤) 味佳
PP. 143 - 148
A Study of “Integrated Science and Technology Teaching (EIST)” at Lower Secondary School in France
PP. 149 - 154
Teaching Practice of Technology Education to Learn Basic Knowledge and Skills of “Technology of Energy Conversion” : Planning and Teaching using Teaching Material “TECHMIRAI”
谷田 親彦 田鎖 浩太 柏原 寛
PP. 155 - 162
An Analysis of Post-text Tasks in High School English Communication Textbooks : Focusing on Reading-based Questions Enhancing Skill Integration
深澤 清治 五井 千穂 吉田 来依可 久万 瑞帆 有馬 史織 江 婉
PP. 163 - 170
PP. 171 - 180
The Development and Assessment on the Social Studies Handbook for Supporting Teacher’s Lesson Planning and Improvement : A Content Structure of Handbook which can be Applied to Pre-service and In-service Teacher Education
草原 和博 岡田 了祐 渡邉 巧 大坂 遊 阪上 弘彬 岩下 真也 上嶋 智江 小川 征児 木坂 祥希 魏 思遥 佐々木 拓也 辻本 成貴 寺嶋 崇 山田 健司 杠 拓哉
PP. 181 - 192
How Researcher-Teacher Collaborative Lesson Development is Formed : Focusing on an Initiative Concerning Geography-Related Subjects in Junior High School Social Studies
PP. 193 - 201
A Study on Professional Development of Elementary School Teacher in Science Teaching : A Follow-up Survey for Ten Years from the First Year on Teaching Profession of a Teacher
PP. 203 - 216
A Study of Life History on the Professional Development of Teaching : Focusing on Teaching in Physical Education of An Elementary School Teacher A
PP. 217 - 227
Development of Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession for Quality Assurance of Teacher Education (I) : Based on the Results of a Questionnaire Survey to Faculty and Staff
米沢 崇 久保 研二 宮木 秀雄
PP. 241 - 250
A Report on Overseas Teaching Practicum by Graduate Students in Elementary/Secondary Schools in the United States (IX)
深澤 清治 小原 友行 朝倉 淳 松浦 武人 松宮 奈賀子 植田 敦三 神野 幸隆 河原 洸亮 斉藤 弘樹 竹内 和也 谷 沙織 坪根 沙織 中川 琢磨 原田 啓 福岡 晃子 守谷 富士彦 山田 薫 吉田 梨声
PP. 251 - 268
An Analysis of Consistency of Scientific Concept : Based on the Actual Conditions of Undergraduate School Students
松浦 拓也 雲財 寛
PP. 269 - 273
Qualitative research on the transformative capabilities of a captain’s remarks and his leadership with a university baseball club
齊藤 一彦 東 宏昭
PP. 275 - 281
The State of Knowledge of Cooking Utensils and Terminology among Elementary School Children
PP. 283 - 287