学校教育実践学研究 22 巻
2016-03-22 発行

社会科授業力改善ハンドブックの開発と評価 : 教員養成・教員研修の場で活用できる教材の構成

The Development and Assessment on the Social Studies Handbook for Supporting Teacher’s Lesson Planning and Improvement : A Content Structure of Handbook which can be Applied to Pre-service and In-service Teacher Education
渡邉 巧
大坂 遊
阪上 弘彬
岩下 真也
上嶋 智江
小川 征児
木坂 祥希
魏 思遥
佐々木 拓也
辻本 成貴
寺嶋 崇
山田 健司
杠 拓哉
1.46 MB
The purposes of this paper are to develop the draft of handbook for planning, teaching and accessing the class of social studies and evaluate effects of the handbook for teacher training and their professional development. The structure of the first draft was designed based on Kolb’s learning theory.

The present results suggested that the usefulness of the contents structure was perceived by (1) pre-service teachers and (2) in-service teachers, and the possibility for application was also recognized by the teacher educator as (3) university professor who teach methods courses, (4) senior supervisor who is in charge of designing the professional development programs and (5) younger supervisor who is in charge of tutoring the novice teacher, but they illustrated their different types of the significances, limits and utilization according to their purposes and as well as their responsibility. The authors implicated the alterative design of the handbook based on Korthagen’s reflective learning model for meeting their purposes and solving the structural problems inherit in the handbook.