Hiroshima Psychological Research
Issue 10
Date of Issue:2011-03-31
current number
PRINT ISSN : 1347-1619
ONLINE ISSN : 2759-0968
Publisher : Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Hiroshima University
Effects of non-word rehearsal on memory-search negativity of event-related potentials
Miyatani Makoto Ogata Akiko Kamogawa Naoko Tamura Rie Horie Kentaro Miyazaki Yuki Yamashita Kana
PP. 1 - 12
The structure of meta-cognitive strategies for writing expository text
Yamada Kyoko Kondo Aya Hataoka Yu Shinozaki Yusuke Chujo Kazumitsu
PP. 13 - 26
Effects of afterwarnings regarding persuader's intent on deceptive persuasion
Fukada Hiromi Hirakawa Makoto Tsukawaki Ryota
PP. 27 - 36
Effects of forewarning and afterwarning regarding persuader's deceptive intent on deceptive persuasion
Fukada Hiromi Hirakawa Makoto Tsukawaki Ryota
PP. 37 - 46
The likelihood of compliance-gaining strategies : Time-series combination of compliance-gaining strategy
Imura Tomoya Hirabayashi Natsuko Fukada Hiromi Higuchi Masataka
PP. 47 - 52
The determinants and effects of internet social capital
Yamasaki Shoichiro Imura Tomoya Fukada Hiromi Tsukawaki Ryota
PP. 53 - 59
The effect of speed reading training for university students : Is vision field expansion training effective?
Morita Aiko Ishibashi Mana Ogawa Sakiko Sawa Natsuko Maniwa Syohei Miyaoka Moemi
PP. 61 - 70
An examination of psychological traits of young people who show an affinity for social withdrawal
Maki Ryouta Kaita Rikako Yuzawa Masamichi
PP. 71 - 80
Predictions about self-behavior concerning promises and attitude for social rules in university students
Maki Ryouta Miyaki Keiko Yuzawa Masamichi
PP. 81 - 88
Critical thinking ability, interest in social issues, and social attitude of junior high school students
Maeda Kenichi Niimi Naoko Kato Toshiaki Umezu Masami
PP. 89 - 100
An investigation of children's positive attitudes to children with developmental disorders
PP. 101 - 109
Career awareness and self-perceptions of social adjustment in primary school children
Tokuoka Masaru Yamagata Mao Tanno Syota Niimi Naoko Maeda Kenichi
PP. 111 - 119
Generativity of professional identity in potters I : An analysis and some considerations on Prof. Tsunehide Shimabukuro's life and professional works
PP. 121 - 145
A research on supervised experiences of young clinical psychologists and graduate students in Chugoku district
Shinagawa Yuka Kodama Kenichi Nakaoka Chiyuki
PP. 147 - 158
The type of psychosocial tasks and related factors in the elderly
Fukase Yuko Okamoto Yuko
PP. 159 - 170
A review of researches on Self-variability and Self-multiplicity : from the viewpoints of student counseling's understanding and importance
Shibukawa Rui Matsushita Himeka
PP. 171 - 183
Understanding of others image by "Nine-in-One Drawing Method"
Zanka Hitomi Ishida Yumi
PP. 185 - 200
Mother-daughter relationships perceived by daughter in late adolescence
Fujita Mina Okamoto Yuko
PP. 201 - 216
The relationships between domestics conflicts and family identity development in adolescence
Mitsumoto Mayo Okamoto Yuko
PP. 217 - 228
A study on "ibasyo" (one's psychological home place) in adolescence from the view points of psychosocial development
Mitsumoto Mayo Okamoto Yuko
PP. 229 - 243
PP. 245 - 255
The relations between process of the failure experience and hope in adolescence
Oishi Ikumi Okamoto Yuko
PP. 257 - 272
Effects of anger control program for junior high school students
Shigeyoshi Naomi Otsuka Yasumasa
PP. 273 - 287
The roles of mental health for "Monto" (a believer in Buddhism) in Shin-Buddhism priest's religious activity
Takeda Masafumi Okamoto Yuko
PP. 289 - 299
Effect of magic word on young children's causal inference
Ota Noriko Komiyama Maiko Sugimura Shinichiro
PP. 301 - 310
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on students ability and attitude to education
Yamada Kyoko Kodama Makiko Oka Naoki Kifune Noriyuki
PP. 311 - 320
Interpersonal impressions of wearing eyeglasses
Tsukawaki Ryota Shinnyu Tomoya Hirakawa Makoto Fukada Hiromi Higuchi Masataka
PP. 321 - 327
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on students' ability formations (4) : Survey results of students who participated in the programs of 2010
Kojima Nanae Oka Naoki Kodama Makiko Kifune Noriyuki Fukada Hiromi
PP. 329 - 341
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on school children (5) : Survey results of school children and their parents who participated in the programs of 2010
Kojima Nanae Oka Naoki Kodama Makiko Kifune Noriyuki Fukada Hiromi
PP. 343 - 352
Exploratory studies on the coping with blame based on misunderstanding
Hirakawa Makoto Saga Hanae Tsukawaki Ryota Fukada Hiromi Higuchi Masataka
PP. 353 - 359