広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 51
published_at 2003-03-28

高等学校速読教材に関する一考察 : 原文の改稿・発問が読解に与える影響

Teaching Rapid Reading Materials in High School : How Rewritten Texts and Questions on the Text Influence Comprehension
Hamaguchi Osamu
Akiyama Naoki
512 KB
The reading materials in the English textbooks for Japanese high school students are often the rewritten version of the originals. In many cases, post-reading activities are added to those adapted materials. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate and to analyse the effectiveness of the rewritten materials for the readers. Also, this paper discusses what postreading activities should be like. There are some suggestions for these activities that have been introduced and tried in actual classes. Considering the fact that most of the reading materials on the text are rewritten, studying the materials through comparison with the originals can be rewarding for teachers.
post-reading activities