広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域
53 号
2005-03-28 発行
ISSN : 1346-5554
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
High temperature magnetic balance for education : Construction of the apparatus and tests for the efficiency
徳永 俊彦 古本 政照 田中 晃 蔦岡 孝則
PP. 1 - 5
High temperature magnetic balance for education : A basic investigation of the teaching materials for the material science education
徳永 俊彦 笠置 映寛 前原 俊信 蔦岡 孝則
PP. 7 - 10
Studies on the distribution of aauatic animals at the Kageura River and the Kumano River of the Seno River system (Hiroshima Pref.), and the application as the teaching materials
竹下 俊治 庭田 佳和 原 竜也
PP. 11 - 16
An Examination of the Effect of Multi-media Textbook in teaching "Electric Current and its uses"
PP. 17 - 22
The development of web teaching material focusing on the characteristics of Marchantia polymorpha
佐藤 崇之
PP. 23 - 30
Development of Micro-scale Experimental Material in Chemical Education : With a Focus on the Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes by Potassium Permanganate
井上 正之
PP. 39 - 47
Kageyama Sanpei Pal Satyabrata Pal Subhabaha Medda C Basu T K
PP. 49 - 56
Kageyama Sanpei Tanerjee Shakti Rudra Sarita
PP. 57 - 60
Understanding of Numerical Computation via Simulation and Its Application
PP. 61 - 67
L. Bruni's theory of "city-state governed by the beauty" : (4) Athene-model, Republic Roma-model and Comune-model
佐藤 眞典
PP. 69 - 78
The strategy for developing a new view of society in elementary social studies education : Unit plan "Considering maps, could you think what's map"
池野 範男 竹中 伸夫 田中 伸 二階堂 年惠 川上 秀和
PP. 79 - 88
On the Formation of Philosophical Environmental Ethics : A Brief History of Environmental Ethics in the United States of America
PP. 89 - 98
The Structure of Sequence about the Formation of Teaching Contents of History : the case of for primary and secondary history textbooks which Schofield & Sims LTD. published in the 1970s
竹中 伸夫
PP. 99 - 108
The Reform of Social Studies Learning for Elementary School (1) : The Development of A Teaching Plan for "Studies of The Japanese Dairying"
角田 将士 片上 宗二
PP. 109 - 116
Reform of History Lessons in Elementary Schools (I) : A Teaching Plan for "Edo Period and Urban Culture"
山田 秀和 片上 宗二
PP. 117 - 253
A Study of Grammatical Particle on the Dialects in Atsumi Peninsula in Japan : the third report
江端 義夫
PP. 127 - 136
A Systematic Description of Dialect Particles used in the Tsukenzima Dialect, Okinawa, Japan
又吉 里美
PP. 137 - 146
A Study on Inferences of Reading Process in "Reading" Classes at High School
濵口 脩 藤原 陽子 中村 愛人
PP. 147 - 155
Some Meanings of the Comic Character of Michael Brown in Love in Idleness
中村 愛人
PP. 157 - 161
The Development of English Proficiency of Technical College Students : With a Focus on the Results of a Retrospective Questionnaire
安部 規子
PP. 173 - 179
An Empirical Study on Outstanding English Teachers in High Schools : PM Theory and High School Students' Achievement
保坂 芳男
PP. 181 - 186
The Effects of Text Characteristics on Reading in English : With a Focus on Japanese Senior High School Students
浅井 智雄
PP. 195 - 202
A Comparative Study on Chinese and Japanese High School Students' English Learning Motivation : From a viewpoint of different proficiency level
張 小杰
PP. 203 - 210
Role of visuo-spatial short-term memory on vocabulary learning of Sign Language as a second language
PP. 211 - 218
The effects of whispering-to-oneself and silent reading on text memory and comprehension in children
松見 法男 古本 裕美 見附 藍
PP. 219 - 225
The Effects of Self-Questioning on Comprehension of an Expository Text by Learners of Japanese as a Second Language : Focused on the Functioning of Comprehension Monitoring
佐藤 礼子
PP. 227 - 235
Questionaire survey for experiences of Japanese education in Colonial Korea
李 政樹
PP. 237 - 243
The method of narration in "Woman in the Dunes"
徐 洪
PP. 245 - 252
Comparative Study on "Sanshirō" by Natsume Sōseki and "Mu-Jeong" by Lee Kwang-Su : Focusing on Civilization
李 美正
PP. 253 - 261
Comparative Study on the Sensual Description of Yoshimoto Banana and Shin Kyeong-Suk : Centered on "Sad presentiment" and "The train leaves at seven o'clock"
李 銀炯
PP. 263 - 271
Comparative Study on the Literary Theory of Fujiwarano-Kintou and Bai Ju-Yi
黄 金堂
PP. 273 - 280
Dreams of Southern Islands : Thoughts of Anti-Modern of Nakajima Atsushi
陳 愛華
PP. 281 - 290
Program guide proposal for foreign students to support adaptation to Japanese culture
住田 環
PP. 291 - 297
Listening Comprehension in Japanese as a Second Language and Working Memory Span : A study on differences in proficiency, targeting native speakers of Chinese
福田 倫子
PP. 299 - 304
The alternation of two types of predicates with Sino Japanese nouns
松岡 知津子
PP. 305 - 310
A Study on the Acquisition of Japanese Transitive - Intransitive Verb Pairs Based on a Longitudinal Corpus : The use of "KIMARU-KIMERU", "KAWARU-KAERU"
中石 ゆうこ
PP. 311 - 318
A Study on Japanese Folk Dance in Physical Education (2) : The image from the Japanese folk dance videotape
PP. 319 - 325
Effective anticipatory cues for courses and soins of tennis serves : Introducing reaction time and spatial occlusion paradigms
武田 守弘 古田 久
PP. 327 - 334
Influence of specific sensory inputs on standing balance in healthy adults : focused on the difference between head sway and COP sway
張 元
PP. 335 - 341
Biomechanical study on the postural control of ski-jumping : Focused on the second half of the flight phase
水崎 一良
PP. 343 - 351
Significance of Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIgA) Monitoring
韓 延柏
PP. 353 - 358
A Study on juvenile movement development : It is focusing on movement of - hand implement and monochrome operation
菅尾 尚代 郭 万里 岩田 昌太郎 齊藤 一彦 松岡 重信
PP. 359 - 365
A consideration on furnitures in the room and its layout of condominium for single family
岩重 博文
PP. 367 - 373
The Establishment and Development of Homemaking Education in Japan under the Occupation (XVIII) : The modern meanings of the CIE education film, "FORA BRIGHT HOME LIFE"
PP. 375 - 384
PP. 385 - 391
A Study on Environmental Pollutants in the Food Subject Area of High School Family and Consumer Sciences Textbooks : Including the Relation to the Experimental Research
岡﨑 由佳子
PP. 393 - 400
A Review and Some Considerations of Researches of the Relationships with Significant Others from the Viewpoint of Life-span Development : Focusing on the Effect of the Relationships with Significant Others at an Early Stage on the Later Development
永田 彰子
PP. 401 - 410
A Study of Bereavement Recognition for Bereaved People and Related Factors : Focusing on Care Giving
渡邉 照美
PP. 411 - 420
An Examination Of the Relationship Between Sound and Instrument Placement in the Piano Ensemble Works of Toru Takemitsu
濵本 恵康
PP. 421 - 426
A schematic illustration of musical representation in F.Chopin's Scherzo III Op.39
PP. 427 - 434
The Process to the Establishment of Music Education at School for Children with Intellectual Disabilities : Focusing on Research on Music Practices at Hachioji School for Children with Intellectual Disabilities
藤原 志帆
PP. 435 - 444
Space expression in paintings: its meanings and grounds
長尾 寛子
PP. 445 - 453
A survey on the experiences about biological experiment and observation and, domestication of living things in the secondary school
大鹿 聖公 佐藤 崇之 向 平和 竹下 俊治 鳥越 兼治
PP. 455 - 462
A Thesis on "Genjimonogatarf-How to describe women in "Monogatari Bungaku" after "Genjimonogatari"
村山 太郎
PP. 470 - 463