広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域
52 号
2004-03-28 発行
ISSN : 1346-5554
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
PP. 1 - 6
A Study on Information Science and Technology Education for Secondary Education : Systematization of Contents in Information Education Based on a Key Concept "Information Coding"
山本 透 上田 邦夫
PP. 15 - 21
Was ist das Leid? : Die Wesenserkenntnislehre des Leides und die Leidenslehren in M. Schelers Philosophie
PP. 23 - 32
The regional disparities of housing and work for mother headed families in Japan
PP. 33 - 42
The theory of material construction in Social Studies based on Multicultural Reconstructionism : In order to overcome the faults of Multicultural Education based on Cultural Relativism
渡部 竜也
PP. 43 - 52
A Study of Grammatical Particle on the Dialects in Atsumi Peninsula in Japan (the second report)
江端 義夫
PP. 53 - 62
Research of the Okinawa-Yaeyama version Japanese-language-textbook of the postwar period
PP. 63 - 72
Dialogical Relationships between "the Authorial Reader" and "the Narrative Reader" in Reading of Fiction (2) : Engndering Reader's Conflicts by the Rhetoric of Fragile Texts
PP. 73 - 78
The Role of the Small Group Discussion in Reading : Some Analyses of the Classroom on "Das Nachtpfauenauge" (Hermann Hesse) and "Torokko" (Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
寺田 守
PP. 79 - 88
Factors Explaining the English Proficiency of Senior High School Students : An Empirical Study
小篠 敏明 深澤 清治 畝川 理彦 大原 隆 中舛 俊宏 増永 玲 山根 誠二 山本 佳代子 下須賀 珠美
PP. 89 - 96
English Language Teaching Through Literature : An Application of English Poetry in the High School English Textbook to the Classroom
濵口 脩
PP. 97 - 105
Some Notes on Teaching Literature in "Reading" Classes : A Case of Short Stories
濵口 脩 伊藤 仁
PP. 107 - 113
Significance of Literary Materials for Culture Teaching in English Language Education
中村 愛人
PP. 115 - 119
An empirical study of Japanese high school students' English speaking proficiency : Introducing two kinds of speaking tests
PP. 121 - 126
An Empirical Study on Professional Skills of English Teachers in High Schools
保坂 芳男
PP. 127 - 133
Effects of translation and performance on memory of words of Sign Language as a second language
PP. 145 - 152
Effects of instruction of imaging Kanji-shape on listening comprehension of Japanese texts
松見 法男 福田 倫子
PP. 153 - 158
What do the metaphors do/achieve in language activities?
杉本 巧
PP. 159 - 166
A Review of and Perspective on Studies in the Acquistition of Japanese Transitive-Intransitive Verb Pairs
中石 ゆうこ
PP. 167 - 174
Native speakers' Evaluation of Learners' Speech : A trial of developing a native speakers' evaluation scale
PP. 175 - 183
A Study of Atsushi Nakajima's Early Works : Focusing on "WARABI-TAKE-RŌJIN"
陳 愛華
PP. 185 - 191
A Study on "Haru" of Toson Shimazaki : An observation of Metropolitan Tokyoites
蔡 永姙
PP. 193 - 201
Natume Souseki and Lin Yu-Tang : A Comparative Analysis on Their Thoughts of "Individualism" in Their Later Years
王 佑心
PP. 203 - 212
The expressions of China by Tanizaki Junitirou and Akutagawa Ryunosuke : Focusing on their travels
陳 玫君
PP. 213 - 220
Comparative Study on the Auditory Description by Yoshimoto Banana and Shin Kyeong-Suk : Centered on "Shirakawa-yobune" and "Seya seya"
李 銀炯
PP. 221 - 228
A Comparative Study on Hujiwaranokintou and Bai Ju-Yi : With a Special Focus on Bai Ju-Yi's Poetry in Wakan-rouei-syu
黄 金堂
PP. 229 - 236
A view of studies on listening comprehension within the theory of working memory
福田 倫子
PP. 237 - 242
How to reconstruct Japanese text after reading? (1) : The comparison of summaries between Japanese native speakers and Japanese learners
古本 裕美
PP. 243 - 251
Word familiarity by visual and auditory presentation in Japanese as a second language
邱 兪瑗
PP. 253 - 259
On the e-column orthography of the "Ch' ŏp hae shin ŏ" : Focusing on the「jɔi」and「jɔ」orthography in the original version
李 東郁
PP. 261 - 270
A study on the control of walking stability when negotiating obstacles of different heights : Focused on the displacement velocity of the center of pressure
王 芸
PP. 271 - 278
The relationship between walking performance and physical fitness in elderly women
吴 婷琦
PP. 279 - 286
A consideration on an influence upon indoor atomosphere given by color of furniture
岩重 博文
PP. 287 - 293
Effect of Electrolyzed Water on Washing
宮本 栞 鶴田 貴子
PP. 295 - 299
Variety of cross sectional shapes of fibers and mechanical properties of woven fabrics
木下 瑞穂
PP. 301 - 305
The Establishment and Development of Homemaking Education in Japan under the Occupation (XVII) : The Formation of the Course of Study in Secondary Homemaking Education in 1948
PP. 307 - 316
Contents and Issues on Ethnomusicology Classes in Hiroshima University : A Suggestion for setting up the Ethnomusicology SProgram
増山 賢治
PP. 317 - 324
A Study on S. Donaudy "36 Arie di stile antico" : For Singers and Teachers
PP. 325 - 333
A schematic illustration of musical representation in F. Chopin's Scherzo II Op. 31
PP. 335 - 344
A study concerning piano ensemble works of Toru Takemitsu
濵本 恵康
PP. 345 - 351
A Comparative Study on the Conception of "Musical Time" (2)
久留 智之
PP. 353 - 359
A Study of Voice-Quality Change by Use of Hearing-Training Equipment
松永 美三子
PP. 361 - 368
Thomas Whythorne Revisited : From the Perspective of Music Education in Late 16^<th>-Century England
能登原 由美
PP. 369 - 378
The effect of singing exercises on the separation of the singing voice from the speaking voice
水﨑 誠
PP. 379 - 386
Genjimonogatari argument : A study on dialogue between Genjimonogatari and woman discours
村山 太郎
PP. 394 - 387