How to Visualize the Work of Historical Understanding and Thinking: Introductory History Lesson “Morning Glory Boom in the Edo Period” with Thinking Tools
Characteristics of Irrigation of Reclaimed Land in the Early 19th Century on Fan Tableland: A Case of Kashobara, Southern Part of Saijo Basin, Central Hiroshima, SW Japan
University-affiliated School Teachers Analyze their own Practical Student Teaching Instruction: How to Ensure Better Practical Student Teaching Instruction
Exploring the Idea for Close Reading and Visualization of the Novel Based on the Analysis of the Booklet After the Bomb: Brother in the Land and Wider Reading
What Information do Japanese Learners Pay Attention to When Listening: An Experimental Analysis through Instruction Manipulation and Eye-tracking during Reading
Investigating the Factors Affecting the Comprehension of Metaphors by Native Japanese Speakers: From the Perspective of Working Memory and Phonological Short-term Memory
Effects of Note-taking on the Listening Comprehension of Japanese Sentences by Advanced Chinese Learners of Japanese: Manipulating Working Memory Span and Language Type Used for Note-taking
Evaluation Behavior toward Essays by Chinese Learners of Japanese: A Comparison between Native Japanese-speaking Teachers and Native Chinese-speaking Teachers by Means of Protocol Analysis
The Effect of the Difference in Time Length of Consciousness Keeping the Lean Position in the Acceleration Phase of 100m Sprint on Forward Angle, Running Velocity, Stride Frequency, and Stride Length
The South Song Dynasty Edition of the Buddhist Canon(宋版一切経) Which Became Original Text of Kasuga Prints(春日版) the Five Mahayana Sutras(五部大乗経)(3): Comparison in Shakuon(釋音), and the difference with Sung edition