広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 66 号
2017-12-22 発行

歴史的な見方・考え方の働きはいかに可視化できるのか : 思考ツールを用いた歴史導入単元「江戸時代の朝顔ブーム」を手がかりに

How to Visualize the Work of Historical Understanding and Thinking: Introductory History Lesson “Morning Glory Boom in the Edo Period” with Thinking Tools
兒玉 泰輔
山本 稜
吉川 友則
茂松 郁弥
河原 洸亮
1.44 MB
The aim of this research is to answer the following questions: “How should we teach historical understanding and thinking and visualize the work of historical understanding and thinking?” This research focuses on instruction that encourages students to engage in understanding and thinking. To achieve this, this research developed three principles for teaching. Based on these, we developed an introductory history lesson “Morning Glory Boom in the Edo Period”. This lesson was taught to first year students at a junior high school. The results show that by using appropriate thinking tools in the process of forming historical recognition, we can understand the steps involved in a student’s historical understanding and thinking. In addition, as result of visualizing the student’s historical understanding and thinking, we can improve lessons, taking into account their limitations.
Historical sense and thinking
Thinking Tools
Improvement of lessons
History introduction lesson