広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 51 号
2003-03-28 発行

有対自動詞と有対他動詞の用法とその指導について : 初級日本語教科書の分析の結果から

On The Usage of Intransitive and Transitive Verb Pairs and its Relationship to Instruction : An Analysis of Japanese Textbooks for Beginners
中石 ゆうこ
735 KB
In this study, I investigated the usage of transitive and intransitive verbs that appears in several Japanese textbooks for beginners after reviewing the grammatical characteristics of intransitive and transitive verb pairs. As a result, I found out the inappropriateness of some of the explanation for intransitive and transitive verbs to be fundamental grammatical knowledge. Learners need to learn intransitive and transitive verbs not only grammatically but also pragmatically to be natural in Japanese. Pragmatic usage should be taught in more advanced level. However, the rules in some current Japanese textbooks for beginners may inhibit the acquisition of pragmatic and communicative usage of transitive and intransitive verbs.
Japanese textbooks for beginners
intransitive and transitive verb pairs